Need a question, OK how long has everyone been calibrating?
Option 1: Guppy
votes: 2
Option 2: Guppy
votes: 1
I found this web site yesterday while gogling K6-427. First thing that came up. And i find the responses humurous and others thoughtful. So i checked out other comments on other subjects. Great
So I am very happy to see a forum outside of official channels were people can express thoughts about the wonderfull world of PMEL. I can remember the days when there was no comumication between levels. labs, command, and AFMETCAL (AGMC for us old geezers).
And if anyone is curious (I doubt it) I stamped my first AFTO108 in Mar. '68,
welcome guppy
I guess I missed this one. Sorry.
Welcome aboard Guppy.
Guppy (Leroy),
You rookie, are you still kicking ( or just lickin and stickin) :lol: