PMEL Forum

K Sections => Software & Automated Calibrations => Topic started by: PMEL on 07-12-2011 -- 04:47:49

Title: Met/Track Combining Calibration
Post by: PMEL on 07-12-2011 -- 04:47:49
The need sometime arises to combine calibration reports in Met/Track to do this:
•   Click Tools ----- Combine Calibrations
•   Enter in UUT Asset Number in the Asset Number Filed
•   Enter in the Number of Days Old the calibrations are.
•   Click Update List
•   Click the Order at which you would like to have the calibrations appear. If you make a mistake click Clear Oder 
•   Click Combine
•   Click No on the first prompt
•   Click Yes on the second prompt to delete the uncombined calibration parts. Click no if you want to keep them
•   Click OK on the third prompt
•   The calibrations are now combined. You will have to look carefully at the calibration records in order to verify that duplicate readings were not taken.
Title: Re: Met/Track Combining Calibration
Post by: RFCAL on 07-13-2011 -- 14:43:39

Please tell us something we don't know
Title: Re: Met/Track Combining Calibration
Post by: PMEL on 07-13-2011 -- 15:40:35
So RFCAL please tell me what is it "we don't know" since you are talking for everyone. The thing is I don't know what you do not know. I am starting small and working up. Who knows maybe I will get to something you don't know.
Title: Re: Met/Track Combining Calibration
Post by: RFCAL on 07-13-2011 -- 23:09:25
You are 10 years behind most and 20 years behind some. You show your Naivety with basic discoveries.
MetCal is a good platform, could be better. FLUKE Metcal is more of a hinderence since they do things their way and not what their customers want.
Wait until they start changing FSC's on you , or completely shut you down with an upgrade. Let's see how fast they respond to your problem!! For me--it took 3 weeks to come back on line again and we had to hire a third party to do it!!
Title: Re: Met/Track Combining Calibration
Post by: PMEL on 07-14-2011 -- 04:47:45
What? Ok how I'm I suppose to gage where people are unless I start somewhere? Just because you know these basics does not mean everyone does. A basic understanding is need to move to the advanced areas.