1.035 MATH @listboxname = "Is the UUT"
Variable holding the name of the list box.
1.036 MATH LISTBOX = lbNew(@listboxname)
Create new list box window. With the name in the variable.
1.037 MATH lbAdd(LISTBOX,"English")
1.038 MATH lbAdd(LISTBOX,"Metric")
Add item to list box.
1.039 MATH lbConf(LISTBOX,"-sort")
Configure list box window attributes. In this case no sort.
1.040 MATH lbShow(LISTBOX)
Display list box window.
1.041 MATH lbvalue = lbGetSelX(LISTBOX, 1)
Local variable storing what was clicked.
1.042 MATH M[38] = lbvalue
1.043 MATH lbClose(LISTBOX)
Close list box window.
There is a lot more functionality available in the help file.