PMEL Forum

K Sections => K5/6 - Physical Dimensional => Topic started by: spanishfly25 on 03-21-2013 -- 09:49:15

Title: Surface Plate Calibration
Post by: spanishfly25 on 03-21-2013 -- 09:49:15
I am in a civilian lab and the last time I calibrated a surface plate was back in the 80's.  I have a customer that is asking for 12 plates to be calibrate. does anyone have a procedure that you can foward to me. either PM me or send me a regular e-mail
also is you perfom that type of work in the North East, I may just sub contract you. I am aware I need to buy  lasers and mirrows.
Title: Re: Surface Plate Calibration
Post by: USMCPMEL on 03-21-2013 -- 18:39:00
Can you tell me what part of the country your in? That might help narrow down possible places to sub to.
Title: Re: Surface Plate Calibration
Post by: ck454ss on 03-22-2013 -- 06:13:34
What are the size of the plates?  You may only need a repeat-o meter if they are small enough.
Title: Re: Surface Plate Calibration
Post by: spanishfly25 on 03-22-2013 -- 11:45:00
I am in NJ, and they have various sizes. I think the bigger one is 32 x 64 inches.
Title: Re: Surface Plate Calibration
Post by: sdmetrol on 03-23-2013 -- 16:36:01
Have you checked Gidep for a procedure?

We utilize a repeat o meter and an autocollimator to verify repeat measurement and overall flatness.

You will also need diamond powder and a lapping plate to return the plate to the specified grade required if found out of tolerance.

There is a learning curve to this procedure and there is math involved so I recommend utilizing an approved qualified vendor in your area.
Title: Re: Surface Plate Calibration
Post by: spanishfly25 on 03-26-2013 -- 08:12:11
No I didn't check Gidep, I don't have access to it.
and for sure if the plate is out of tolerances...I am not going to touch it. if anything I just performed a verification.  does anyone does this type of work around New Jersey?