I just learned that apparently National Instruments has discontinued Calibration Executive. There are still some references to v3.5 on their website. But according to a rep one of our staff just spoke with, it is gone. Wow. Anyone have any insight on this one? I have some PXI cards to cal, and we have to resurrect a 32-Bit XP computer to calibrate them.
That happened about a year ago as we had the same issue, they are doing like the other MFG's who want you to send in items to them for calibration. What we had to do was buy the system at one of our overseas offices as they are still selling it in Asia. Our Mexico office does those types of calibrations as well as they have the software.
Yes I heard the same thing..
I am so glad we started about two years ago, working on software structures to support Modular Instrument calibrations.
So far we only have support for 6 models, two being NI. But this year I suspect we will have plenty more.
I see that Fluke has added a bunch of MetCal procedures for NI equipment.
It's still available, just not to anyone who wants it.
We just bought it a few months ago.
What I heard was that it is unavailable to third party labs. Self supporters can still purchase it.
Yes, only self supporters may buy it. I was lucky enough to purchase 3.5.1 for our lab. We would be glad to see what we can do to cal those items you need done in 3.5.1