I am getting a timeout error with TARM SGL,64
TRIG LEVEL; TRIG EXT with the 3458a.
I have it set as END ALWAYS
Any help would appreciate.
Look at the back of your Rack..
If you have more than 2 GPIB cable connected to any Instrument, then take them all off and reconnect the system to where no more that 2 GPIB cables is connected to any Instrument..
The resolves a lot of issues.
We've seen that error here and that is how we corrected it. Metcal also doesn't like GPIB cables that are extra long. Especially if the STD and UUT cables are of different lengths.
While GPIB cables can cause issues, with METCAL we've found that the address METCAL identifies as generating bus errors is often incorrect. To troubleshoot we typically examine the bus using NI Measurement and Automation Explorer to see which instruments on the GPIB bus are actively responding. We will turn all of the instruments off and then power them up one by one to see if they are communicating properly *and* allowing the other instruments on the bus to communicate properly.
In the test setups we use the actual culprit is usually the Quadtech 1689 LCR meter, HP/Agilent 53131A frequency counter, or Krohn Hite 6620 Phase Meter.