PMEL Experience

Started by Thraxas, 07-16-2005 -- 10:38:55

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How many years of experience do you have in PMEL?

1 to 4 years
10 (6.6%)
4 to 10 years
30 (19.7%)
10 to 20 years
40 (26.3%)
20 to 40 years
65 (42.8%)
40+ years
7 (4.6%)

Total Members Voted: 151


What would maxed out be at NIST?


As a technician I was at a GS-ZT-IV, and limited to yearly bonuses once I hit the ZT-IV ceiling.  It corolated more or less to a mid-range GS-12 back in 1997.


Could you speak in engish everyone is not up on the pay scale in the Goverment. ZT-IV ?


Excuse me, I speak Bureaucrat, mid range GS12 for 2010 would be about 68.5-70.5K, additionally there are Geographic adjustments.  Now quit asking questions and get back to work and pay taxes.


I graduated from Lowery in the fall of 1982. Spent 4 years in the Air Force. Since then I have been able to work in various trades. PMEL, was the best thing I have ever done for myself. It gave me an opening to pursue whatever I chose to do. Metrology rules!
Peace Ya'll


I graduated Lowery in '81, and never looked back.  After 20 for the Navy, I now work for the Air Force.  True story- My first ship, my Division Officer was the Public Affairs Oficer, and volunteered me for her monthly "Home Town News" requirement.  The publicity picture that went out with the story showed me at my bench using a Fluke 760A Meter calibrator, with my ashtray (with smoking cigarette), Mountain Dew (Breakfast of Champions!), and package of cookies next to me.  My, my, how times have changed!


40 years between Navy , DOD , HP , Agilent , and TestEquity


Graduated the Army basic course at Lowry in 1981 and the Army advance courses in 1985.  Had two years of instructor duty at Lowry and got out.  Been working in calibration ever since. 


Hey Paul.. When where you an instructor at Lowery?
Michael L. Schwartz
Automation Engineer
Cal Lab Solutions
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Phone - 303.317.6670