New Forum Function

Started by Hoopty, 03-12-2009 -- 22:16:08

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Quote from: Duckbutta on 03-23-2009 -- 09:41:34
I think the problem with some of you is a lack of core principles.

Quote from: Duckbutta on 03-23-2009 -- 09:41:34
You believe that if everyone was as spineless as you that we would all be better off.

Duck... what'd I say about personal attacks?  I've given you the benefit of the doubt numerous times, and yet you continue.  These types of posts aren't adding a thing to the forum and they are quite divisive. 

I think a 5 day ban is in order.  If you continue after the ban is lifted, the next one will be permanent.
There are only 10 types of people in this world.  Those who understand binary, and those who don't.   :wink:


Thank you Hoopty.  I for one am grateful.