Homeowner's Assistance Program

Started by Hoopty, 03-10-2009 -- 16:26:04

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Got some good news for the active duty folks that have to sell homes due to PCS requirements.

QuoteSome good info that may help our folks PCSing under A76

Subject: RE: Homeowners Assistance Fund

Chief, Thanks for sharing this information, the Army Corps of Engineers is
the owner of this program. Under the new provision, the government will
cover 95% of a loss if a service member is forced to sell.  The government
can also choose to acquire the title of a home by paying off the balance of
a service member's mortgage or paying the owner up to 90% of the home's
previous value. The new policy has been made law, DoD has implemented the
policy guidelines. You can find out the most recent information and download
the application to apply for the assistance at http://hap.usace.army.mil/

That's good news for me since I'll be in that boat soon...
There are only 10 types of people in this world.  Those who understand binary, and those who don't.   :wink:


About time the active folks got some more help.

I do know there was (not sure if it is still around) a program where you could "loan" your house to the Army and they would use it to house Soldiers (think recruiters and the like that are not very close to military installations) and cover the mortgage and all the upkeep etc etc etc. I know quite a few folks from recruiting duty that either entered their homes in and around Baton Rouge into the program or used the homes that were in the program......