How about a mobile pmelforum?

Started by MRD, 11-11-2010 -- 11:34:09

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A couple other forums I go to have registered with Forum Runner and they convert it into a mobile site into a real time and it's really smooth.

The app's available for iPhone and Android.  This is a great way of making this site mobile.

skidaddle skaduski


    A mobile app would be neat for this site.  I have a droid x with the BIG screen so I usually prefer to use the real sites myself.  Take the gmail app, for example.  The application is oddly limited, although considering they developed the android OS ( I think, right ).

    Messing with Java and making simple cell apps have been something which has been on my to do list for quite sometime now. 



I am working on the next version of PMEL Forum (as an update is long overdue) and I'm happy to tell you that it will include a mobile interface.  It is going to be tapatalk as it is compatible with the particular forum software we use.  Look for it soon.

There are only 10 types of people in this world.  Those who understand binary, and those who don't.   :wink: