ACC PMEL Contract

Started by paul, 06-05-2010 -- 18:24:49

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I heard the Bionetics won the ACC PMEL contract.

Can any one validate this?

Do you know where we would send a resume and if they are hiring yet?



Yes  Bionetics has been awarded the ACC PMEL contract.

They have 90 transition for all 10 sites.   Opeartional performance starts 01 Oct.


Summum ius summa iniuria.

The more law, the less justice.

Cicero, De Officiis, I, 33



I suspect its the locations in 00-20-14 (a public document) that are ACC and Contract in section 12.
And if that doesn't add up Yulista had Feltwell thrown in recently but I don't know if its on the ACC seeing as how its USAFE.
"My wings have healed." - Probably a parrot said this.


Given how the UK exchange rates have dived over the last year....would be interesting if Bionetics has won it - and what they will do to attract staff.  Nice location though...


Bionetics did win the ACC PMEL contract, it includes operation at all of the locations currently operated by Yulista under thier ACC PMEL contract including Feltwell.   The Air Force has worked to resolve the issues associated with the fluctuating exchange rate by paying the company and in-turn paying the employees in pounds.

Locations include: Beale, Barksdale, Cannon, Dyess, Ellsworth, Feltwell, Minot, Moody, Offutt and Whiteman.


Thanks jk...that is interesting.  I assume you are with Bionetics?  If so, I hope you'll let us know if Feltwell needs staff and what the salary is in new improved sterling rates.  I'm American/Australian ex-USMC PMEL....with an Australian nurse wife who'd get a job there in a heartbeat.  Feel free to advertise here...Like I said...nice location...


Quote from: clacoste on 06-09-2010 -- 10:05:31
Thanks jk...that is interesting.  I assume you are with Bionetics?  If so, I hope you'll let us know if Feltwell needs staff and what the salary is in new improved sterling rates.  I'm American/Australian ex-USMC PMEL....with an Australian nurse wife who'd get a job there in a heartbeat.  Feel free to advertise here...Like I said...nice location...

Under Yulista, Feltwell always seemed to have an open tech position....I believe they even have one slot listed now. I was stationed there back in the 90's (for 6 years) when it was an active duty lab. If you want type IIA (depot) experience, you'll definitely get it there...especially Phys-D. The lab itself is in an old RAF Thor Missile maintenance facility next to combat arms and a golf course. Pretty isolated and away from the hussle of RAF Lakenheath. I'd go back for a few years if we weren't already settled. Send a PM if you want more info on the lab and the local area.


So the ACC contract has come full circle


Not really, we started out with Raytheon in '93.

Summum ius summa iniuria.

The more law, the less justice.

Cicero, De Officiis, I, 33


Quote from: mdbuike on 06-11-2010 -- 09:51:34
Not really, we started out with Raytheon in '93.


Good point. Well it came full circle for me since I began at Moody when it started.


If anyone is interested in openings at RAF Feltwell the PM is Mark Pridgen.  His email address is mark. pridgen@lakenheath. af. mil


The Bionetics Corporation is managing the multi-command PMEL contract; they currently have at least one opening at RAF Feltwell.   They do pay in British Sterling so currency fluctuations do impact your buying power; pay is good as are the benefits.   I was the lab chief there in the mid-90s and have been back a few times since I started with TBC last July.   

If you are interested in a position at RAF Feltwell or any of our other PMELs (we have other locations; i. e. , WPAFB, AFPSL, Hill AFB, MacDill AFB, etc) please contact Greg Stern at hr@bionetics. com

Thank you - W.  A.  Truax III


Any interested candidates for any and all of The Bionetics Corporations' various openings for PME are available via our Career website:

As always any interest or inquiries regarding Bionetics' openings and PMEL locations nationwide can be submitted to