Help in Met/Cal

Started by PMEL, 07-13-2011 -- 05:02:24

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To find help on a particular topic in Met/Cal:
Select the line you want help with in Met/Cal Editor
1.046  JMPL         Engilsh_Metric
Press the "F1" key on your keyboard
The JMPL help file will come up.
You can even use this inside the help files to dig deeper into more help.
Hey Nani Nani Cho Cho Cho, Hey Nani Nani Cho!



I am not one to stop people from speaking their minds. If you don't like what I have to write then don't read it. It is not like I am getting paid for this. I am just trying to help out. Being a moderator has its privileges.     
Hey Nani Nani Cho Cho Cho, Hey Nani Nani Cho!