Met/Track Combining Calibration

Started by PMEL, 07-12-2011 -- 04:47:49

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The need sometime arises to combine calibration reports in Met/Track to do this:
•   Click Tools ----- Combine Calibrations
•   Enter in UUT Asset Number in the Asset Number Filed
•   Enter in the Number of Days Old the calibrations are.
•   Click Update List
•   Click the Order at which you would like to have the calibrations appear. If you make a mistake click Clear Oder 
•   Click Combine
•   Click No on the first prompt
•   Click Yes on the second prompt to delete the uncombined calibration parts. Click no if you want to keep them
•   Click OK on the third prompt
•   The calibrations are now combined. You will have to look carefully at the calibration records in order to verify that duplicate readings were not taken.
Hey Nani Nani Cho Cho Cho, Hey Nani Nani Cho!


Please tell us something we don't know


So RFCAL please tell me what is it "we don't know" since you are talking for everyone. The thing is I don't know what you do not know. I am starting small and working up. Who knows maybe I will get to something you don't know.
Hey Nani Nani Cho Cho Cho, Hey Nani Nani Cho!


You are 10 years behind most and 20 years behind some. You show your Naivety with basic discoveries.
MetCal is a good platform, could be better. FLUKE Metcal is more of a hinderence since they do things their way and not what their customers want.
Wait until they start changing FSC's on you , or completely shut you down with an upgrade. Let's see how fast they respond to your problem!! For me--it took 3 weeks to come back on line again and we had to hire a third party to do it!!


What? Ok how I'm I suppose to gage where people are unless I start somewhere? Just because you know these basics does not mean everyone does. A basic understanding is need to move to the advanced areas.   
Hey Nani Nani Cho Cho Cho, Hey Nani Nani Cho!