Calibration jobs in Pittsburgh, PA

Started by Foghorn1776, 06-28-2012 -- 19:33:03

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My fiancee and I will probably be moving to the Pittsburgh area by the end of the summer.  I'm not familiar with the area so any help with info on calibration labs there will be greatly appreciated.  I have 20 years experience (4 with AF PMEL) and would like to keep working when we get ou there.  Thanks in advance for the help!


I think there is a lab towards Philadelphia that is run by Tektronix? I am not sure of the location but if you get online at thier website and look I am sure you can find it. It is like an hour away from Pittsburgh. Other than that I had looked a little while back about moving to Pittsburgh and the local labs there were mom and pop shops that did not want to pay anything.


Yeah and seriously there is one near Pittsburgh that you must look out for.  Please please please please please PM me before taking a job there.