Rejuvinating HP tubes

Started by RichieRich, 12-05-2008 -- 14:09:13

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We have installed a few of the LCD upgrade kits for 8566 spec-ans.  There are several places that will sell you the kit / installation but I believe they all come from here -

You can buy the kit and do the install yourself if you prefer or you can pay them to do it.  A third party installer might do it just as cheap as Test Equipment Plus if they have purchased the kits in quantity at a discount, but that's where they get theirs from.


We've done two kits so far on an HP 8566B and Tek TDS694C.  Both working nicely.  We had a vendor do the TDS694C kit, and we did the 8566B kit ourselves.  To be fully fair, a friend at another lab had one done on an 8563A Spec An a couple of years ago, and they had a weird glitchy problem with theirs.  The trace portion of the display disappeared a few times and the only way they could clear the error was an HPIB command (not with front panel reset).  He said the problem went away.  On our 8566B kit, we screwed up the install the first time and mis-aligned a 16 pin dip plug on a ribbon cable, so watch out for that.  But I am definitely a big fan.  I love the 8566B and and using it right now out on the road.  It has a color display now thanks to the kit.  Don't mean to peddle other people's products, but it is a great little kit (I receive no royalty for these remarks).
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Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)
from lecture to the Institute of Civil Engineers, 3 May 1883