Prefered Job Environment?

Started by Kalrock, 03-15-2011 -- 11:24:34

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So I wanted to know what type of lab is preferred to work at?

A Commercial Cal Lab
4 (15.4%)
A Government Contract Lab
3 (11.5%)
An In-House Cal Lab
7 (26.9%)
A Civil Service Lab
7 (26.9%)
The Military
4 (15.4%)
1 (3.8%)

Total Members Voted: 26


So far I would have to say I enjoyed the military by far, but I still haven't worked in an in-house or civil service lab.

I wanted to make this into a poll, but didn't see the option till after.



I liked the Military lab for the comradery but prefer the civilian lab for the pay.


I've worked at a commercial Lab, a Government Contract Lab and
an In-House Cal Lab. . .  the In-House Cal Lab is far and away the best IMHO. . .  very minimal stress. . .


I've worked in military labs, a commercial lab, a government contract lab and now civil service. There are good and bad in each of these.

The military labs were great for training and collateral duties for when you wanted out of the lab.  :-D

The commercial lab was good for being able to work independently but funds weren't always available as it was in a manufacturing plant; product was king, not calibration.

I enjoyed WORKING in the government contract lab as it was at Robins and well-funded so there was always plenty of equipment, tools and the like available. I did not like the benefits or the contract turnover.

I work in a civil service lab now and probably enjoy it the most. The turnover is minimal so you are working with the same people, plenty of tools, and great benefits. We're not so well-funded as Robins, though.  :-D


I have had the opportunity to be a part of all of these catagories over the years.  The best pay was in a government contract lab.  The lowest pay was in a commercial lab and the owner reminded the techs weekly how greatful they should be to even have jobs. 


I think every single calibration tech in America should take a week off to remind the copmanies that we work for that WE MAKE THE MONEY!!!
Maybe after a week of no profits they might realize oh ya thats right they are the ones that make us the money...


Worked military, commercial, and contract. Here's my ranking...

1  Contract
2  Military

100 (dead last) commercial


1: Pharmaceutical
1A: Utility
3: Military
4: Contract

Not even a consideration: Commercial


1) Military
2) Civil Service for Air National Guard
3) Civil Service For Air Force
4) Civil Service For Army Depot
5) Retired for a month
6) Air Force contract lab
7) Retired till unemployment runs out/wife gets totally fed up.

5 & 7 have been my favorites:)
Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: Prov.22:24


Pharmaucetical labs is the way to go.
Very Clean, plenty of resources, great pay ($30-$40 per hour) and very easy equipment, mostly pressure gauges and temperature controlers


Quote from: spanishfly25 on 03-23-2012 -- 12:29:59
Pharmaucetical labs is the way to go.
Very Clean, plenty of resources, great pay ($30-$40 per hour) and very easy equipment, mostly pressure gauges and temperature controlers

You forgot the only downside. The aseptic gowning. That royally sucks.


Where I'm at now is definately the best, I go to work at the same place everyday and go home at the same time every night. No onsites ever. Great pay and benifits help also.


In reply to audiodreamscape--It would depend on who is running the in house cal lab. I have worked in all and prefer the civil service lab by far. Decisions are made quickly and equipment needed is not a problem.