Status of Kirtland PMEL

Started by B-rad 4d, 07-12-2012 -- 06:02:34

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Quote from: transistor86 on 08-08-2012 -- 08:40:28
Hey B-rad 4d

I heard through the rumor mill that Kirtland failed their last couple of audits and is going through a revamp. Who is running Kirtland now? Is it contract or being run under military supervision now? I have considered going civil service for the retirement and benefits to go in conjunction with my prior service as an airman? How would I go about applying? Are there any positions left? If so, would they be on usajobs?

If you are looking to get into CC and are up to moving, you can set up search engines on the site ( to e-mail you openings. I retired in 2006 so things may have changed a bit. You should upload your resume to the site. The series for Wage Grade would be in the 2600 series. On the GS side look at 0856, 0802, 1910 and equipment specialist (don't remember the code#). I don't know if Forbes(where I started) and Selfridge still have openings. The Army had it's own hiring site but I think any announcements would still be on usajobs also. Hope this helps.
Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: Prov.22:24


To add to what yonker08 said, add series 3378 to your search for WG series jobs. The Army changed their jobs from 2602 to 3378 series. Also, the Army does use only usajobs now as well, no more resumix!

Bob E

I just want to say to all that Kirtland PMEL is alive and well, and will be for a long time to come.  We are made up mostly of civilians (civil service - gov't, no longer MEO), with a handful of very sharp blue suiters.  Because of the hard work of everybody in the lab and with the help of our senior leadership, we have built a solid program that continues to grow every day.

Bob E

Shame on me - forgot to mention that we have also had a lot of help from several PMELs across the Air Force, which has been much appreciated.  Gives new meaning to the saying, "One team, one fight!"