Trichloroethylene (TCE) use to clean B-47 Armament

Started by MD4 Tech, 08-29-2012 -- 21:53:11

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MD4 Tech

Thank you for allowing me onto this forum. I was Air Force enlisted 1962-1966. My AFSC was 32350C. I served at Forbes and Plattsburg maintaining B-47 tail gun systems. We used a TCE vapor degreaser and also used free TCE liquid to clean the 20MM cannons. Did any of you have the same AFSC? Can you email me to verify that using TCE was a common practice at the time?



I think the Air Force change all the AFSC numbers, you need to cross reference your old number to the new number.
as for TCE, that was a common cleaner in the AF, we had a can in the shop, but never used or remember using it for anything. but I have no idea about guns or cannons

MD4 Tech

I appreciate your comments, but there is no  current USAF AFSC relevant to maintenance of B-47 tail guns. Back then TCE was used in open top vapor degreasers. In our shop we had a degreaser tank the size of a small bathroom. We inhaled TCE every day. We had extreme exposure when we climbed into the cooled vessel to collect sludge. I hope to connect with another former airman who did similar work and can verify these conditions.