Forget All in One Software-Whats the best language to use

Started by Smokey, 03-14-2012 -- 20:16:35

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Ok so I hear all these conversations about what the best Calibration Software is, whether it be for data management, automation, standards tracking and traceability, etc.

I want to know who thinks what the best language to program calibration procedures in, whether it be C++, VB, VB.NET, LabView, XML, HTBasic, Surecal(I know this is not a language but a developer suite), etc. I know there are more options I have not listed, I have used a ton of different platforms and I am trying to decide which I should focus on to become a full time programmer in the metroglogy world and not just a learn a little bit about everything type of technician. I have used SureCal, Met/Cal, LabView, MetLab, NextGen, Anritsu, N7800A Agilent software, NI, DHI, you name it I have probably used it or at  least heard of it!
Ok that being said I have used a program from this site that used excel and VB programming to do a 5700A, it was actually a very good program, better than some I have used for sure! Really enjoyed that and with VB or I can see its advantages I have to worry about the compatibility with all instruments, SCPI, compatibility, etc. I may be over-thinking this but I just want to get a consensus.

What in your opinion is the easiest language, the best language, and the most versatile language to program automated calibration procedures!
Doesn't have to be all in one, could be ranked in order to which language is best according to category or  all criteria according to which one meets the highest requirements at the highest level!
Your input is greatly appreciated as discussion is how we learn!


Best.. That is such a subjective word..

At the end of they day if you ask me what is best.  I will say .Net.  You can do anything and everything in .Net, but for metrology there are little to no tools available. 

If you look, most manufacturer's have .Net tools available.  NextGen, N7800 and several other packages are written in .Net.  It is a very robust solution.

Over the past years, we have been doing a lot of work building reusable tools in .NET.  We have also build several solutions in the platform.  PS-Cal for Power Sensor calibration now covering more Agilent sensors then anything on the market.  And SAM (Specialized Applications for Metrology), this is a reusable tool we developed for rapid procedure development.  And we also developed a 100% Web-based Calibration Management solutions CATS.

So.. I think .NET is the best choice.. But with one BIG caution if you go down the .NET road.  It is a REAL programming language, you WILL need someone who KNOWS software on your team.  It is very easy for a novice programmer to spend a lot of time creating a huge pile of crap.

Michael L. Schwartz
Automation Engineer
Cal Lab Solutions
  Web -
Phone - 303.317.6670


Michael L. Schwartz
Automation Engineer
Cal Lab Solutions
  Web -
Phone - 303.317.6670


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