What's your favorite item to NRTS 9?

Started by Broken_Wings, 06-29-2012 -- 06:58:04

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Thanks for replying Jimmy I believe when I was in the Marines it was called BER beyond economical repair?? But I could be wrong on that.


Any spectrum analyzer with Tektronix on it and anything made by Gigatronix.
Virtue is more to man than either water or fire.   I have seen men die from treading on water and fire, but I have never seen a man die from treading the course of virtue.   - Confucius


Anything that says Boonton is NRTS 9  or  Code out for the Army pukes!
Be Kewl!!!!


Any Lecroy oscilloscope or a close runner up would be any pressure gauge w/oil on it.  I don't like to get me hands dirty.


During my USAF days it would be gas sniffers, cheap dial calipers from Radio Shack, and my all time favorite: the Wavetek/Gigatronix 1018B power meters...You could spend all day adjusting that POS, then it would go out of tolerence just by leaning on the bench.


The Simpson ANPSM45.  You gotta love a meter where the circuitry surrounded the display and physical pressure could change the measurement from bad solder joints.


The 1018B's are still being used by the Air Force as my company is the sole source for the repair of those items.


Those big, blue resistive pots... so touchy and flaky.  And the cables running to the sensor would get bound up in that open storage compartment underneath and damaged long before it got to PMEL.  We used to repair those at the labs (as little as 6 years ago) if the damage/repair wasn't too intensive.  Honestly, I believe they should just put them in a pile and burn it all!

I just never understood why you would use one when you can get other peak power meters to do the same thing.  We could never really trust the readings, even after depot repair.  The Wavetek 8502A was more reliable and more heavily used.  Why waste the time with the 1018B?  If only HP/Agilent made a peak power meter that did the same thing...


I remember one time we were trying to clean out some old inventory and they would not let us scrap some old piece of test equipment. It had been waiting for repair for like a year 4 or 5 different techs had looked at it and no one could figure it out. Our Gunny at the time would not let us scrap it out so we were told to "introduce" some faults to it so that it would be beyond economical repair. We used an open oper cord and just touched it across various points on different circuit boards. Looking back it was a pretty stupid thing to do but it did some serious damage to that tester and we were finally able to get it off the repair shelf... :evil:


Ballentine RF meters and Monsanto O-scopes.