Sequestration or other budget cuts

Started by Broken_Wings, 12-12-2012 -- 12:04:47

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If due to RNI or sequestration labs lose manning allowances do you believe they will be through attrition (over time) losses or more sudden?
Will we get blanket NRTS approval to dispose of old crap so that we can stay afloat?
Will AFMETCAL declare the bad apples npc or other status to reduce our workload and help save money?
"My wings have healed." - Probably a parrot said this.


Yes audience these and many more questions will be answered in the near future. Stay tuned to the continuing story of the "Blind Bubbling Buffoons" of Washington DC. :-o Brought to you by the makers of "Over-The-Cliff" goggles. 8-) Stylishly designed with 100% non-transparent lenses so you don't see it coming! And you can pay for it with your great-grand kids first paycheck! :| 
Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: Prov.22:24


I'm afraid to even speculate to be honest. Hopefully, the unthinkable does not happen......
/begin sarcasm
However, I am practicing bending over and grabbing my ankles.
/end sarcasm


Lots of companies are making cuts right now and they do not seem to look at the big picture when making the cuts. The place I am at put in all these coffee makers and free cocoa for the employees the turned around and said we need to cut calibration costs. I am thinking get rid of the free perks and there is your money right there. I guess quality does not matter anymore. :cry:


I read an article awhile ago that said if your company quits paying for you coffee fund, you better brush up your resume because you will probably be next to go :-( So be careful what you suggest :cry:
Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: Prov.22:24


Well you never know for whom the bell tolls. I would rather see the coffee fund cut instead of my budget...


The total defense budget for 2013 stands at about $614 billion, almost twice what it was in 2001. I'm sure we could find places to trim a fair bit of fat and not harm security. IMHO, I don't think the defense budget will get trimmed at all any other way besides sequestration.
All a moot point, the way it's looking right now anyway. Congress has to keep the people happy that pay for their campaigns.
Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer