50GHz Power Sensor Calibration in under 15 min

Started by CalLabSolutions, 03-09-2014 -- 16:21:39

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Talk about fast... (I couldn't believe it myself)

We just added a new measurement methodology to PS-Cal.  For most sensors all you need is a Vector Network Analyzer and your H84 Calibrated Power Sensor, and of course a calibration kit.

It takes about 20 min to complete a Station Calibration.  First you have to perform an S11 calibration using an open, short, load/ sliding load on the VNA.  Then a Power Calibration with the Stand Power Sensor. 

Then it only takes less than 15 min to calibrate the power sensor. 

Because we were using Agilent's new PNA-X, the uncertainties were great for such a fast performing calibration. 

You could almost get 3 power sensor calibrated in an hour with this methodology.

Michael L. Schwartz
Automation Engineer
Cal Lab Solutions
  Web -  http://www.callabsolutions.com
Phone - 303.317.6670



Well 50 GHz is a little unique because it is such a high frequency.  Most labs will use a direct comparison Test Methodology.  They will have a 50 GHz Power Sensor sent to Agilent for an H84 calibration.  Then use that power sensor to characterize the output of a power splitter with a reference sensor connected to the other port of the power splitter.

That method would take about 45-60 minutes complete a Cal Factor run.   And an additional 5 min or so co complete the rho measurements.

That is why I am so impressed this new method can complete the task in 1/4th the time.

Michael L. Schwartz
Automation Engineer
Cal Lab Solutions
  Web -  http://www.callabsolutions.com
Phone - 303.317.6670