optimar 100 entering accuracy

Started by farhan, 02-13-2015 -- 07:48:40

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I have MAHR Optimar 100 dial indicator calibrator needs to be calibrated. as T.O. or AFCAV program optimar 100 will be calibrated to an accuracy of (0.2 +L/100)micrometer, but the item was calibrated at MAHR and given certification label by USAF metrology where the accuracy is (0.2+L/250)micrometer and stored in the software of the item. I try to edit or change that accuracy on software to become (0.2+L/100) micrometer but the accuracy field is not active for editing.From the manual of optimar 100 notice if you want to edit information on software you must use Expert mode to do that. but this mode is not listed in software. the question is how I can activate Expert mode of optimar 100 software.   


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