SureCAL and E-Prom sensors

Started by mlangfield, 09-23-2015 -- 08:03:22

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Quote from: CalLabSolutions on 11-12-2015 -- 09:26:07
SureCal doing linearity is news too me.  But I don't thing using attenuators is accurate enough.  On an E4412A 7 13A you have to go from -36 to +23 at better than 1% accuracy.  On the newer N848xA Sensors you have to be better that .25%.  I don't think you can do that with a set of step attenuators.

Mike, actually not so hard as we are talking incremental attenuation not absolute, this is pretty much routine

   Frequency   S2,1   S2,1
   (MHz)   Mag (dB)   U(Mag) (dB)
Incremental (0 to 50)   50   -50.053   0.006
Absolute (with Insertion loss)   50   -50.136   0.037

P.S.  Then you have to program the EEPROM because on the E441xA Sensors, it is adjustable.


Quote from: mlangfield on 09-23-2015 -- 08:03:22
Anyone out there using SureCal?  If so, are you using E-Prom sensors?

I am assuming that you mean as a standard in order to calibrate another unit.

There is good news and bad news. Some of the SureCal Procedures are written to leverage the E-Sensors and work great.

But that is not always the case. In older Procedures, you will need a data file in order to use an E-Sensor, and that becomes a problem if the power level you are measuring is used both above and below -13 dBm. The E-Sensor switches ranges in that region, and the cal factor changes accordingly. There is no current methodology to have a level and frequency sensitive sersor correction file, so it will be inaccurate in either the low or high range (depending on which range you opted to use as your data source).


Exactly Kevin.

Ryan, I don't using an older procedure would be a problem as you could use two separate files for the proper cal factors.