So, hypothetically speaking, which of these two options is worse, and why?

Started by griff61, 12-12-2016 -- 22:39:12

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Which is worse?

Licking and sticking a piece you have no capability to calibrate
7 (77.8%)
Red tagging for code out a customer piece because you don't have the capability?
2 (22.2%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Voting closed: 12-22-2016 -- 22:39:12


So, say a customer piece comes in, and you don't have the capability to calibrate it. Which of the two choices is the bigger sin?
There is a reason that the right choice isn't there, just humor me.
I really would like to see what the answers are, because it blows my mind that anyone would consider either, let alone both.
What would be the appropriate form of torture for either transgression?
Feel free to get creative
Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer


I hate to click either, but I think certifying something that you can't even tell is correct is really bad. Imagine if a critical parameter was out, not good. Now red tagging a good piece is bad too but at least you don't run the risk of causing damage to property or life. Of course to makes sure you aren't red tagging a good piece of equipment, you can always open it up and set it on fire. Just claim the demons didn't like being told what to do  :evil:


Quote from: PurelyNonsense on 12-13-2016 -- 05:34:09
to makes sure you aren't red tagging a good piece of equipment, you can always open it up and set it on fire. Just claim the demons didn't like being told what to do  :evil:

I almost spit my coffee out, thank you  :lol:
Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer


For one, I picked the wrong item. I meant to pick lick and stick. And I hope that you're not drinking that coffee in the lab or you WILL piss the demons off and make some magic smoke come out. :-D


If I certify something and the customer trusts my certificate, uses it to regulate temperature of a nuclear reactor and it melts down as a consequence I have done a great deal of damage.

In this case I should be demoted to sales because then everyone would know by my title whether they should trust me.

If I reject something without knowing if it's right the potential for damage due to my conduct is limited. This is the lesser offence. Again, the punishment should be a move to sales, but in a junior capacity.

Bring technical excellence with you when you walk in the door every day.


To amend to my other post. I think the punishment should be a good tar and red tagging (instead of feathers), wrap them up in a few reflective belts and leave them on the side of a runway to explain themselves to Security Forces.


Quote from: PurelyNonsense on 12-13-2016 -- 09:38:27
For one, I picked the wrong item. I meant to pick lick and stick. And I hope that you're not drinking that coffee in the lab or you WILL piss the demons off and make some magic smoke come out. :-D
I get a nice, cozy, coffee friendly office now.
Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer


Neither choice is something I can or would consider, my integrity will not allow this activity. I work at Nuke plant under construction and I'm not interested in spending time in the Federal gray bar end.


Quote from: Conman on 12-14-2016 -- 08:30:56
Neither choice is something I can or would consider, my integrity will not allow this activity

I'm sure no one on this board would willingly choose either, but that isn't the point here.
My idea is to have an impossible choice, try to pick the least horrible and then assign a punishment for doing either thing.

Perhaps when it is all said and done I might post the results in a conspicuous place here...
Ain't I a stinker?
Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer


Quote from: griff61 on 12-14-2016 -- 10:06:05
I'm sure no one on this board would willingly choose either, but that isn't the point here.
I don't know about you but I do think I would set fire to a few pieces of equipment if I could. I think that would be MY preferred choice *cough* BOONTON *cough*


Sounds like the context is military labs???  If we can't do it, we find a qualified vendor who can, coordinate with the customer and send it out for them (if they wish).  Our quality people qualify vendors per quality manual.
"I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind."
Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)
from lecture to the Institute of Civil Engineers, 3 May 1883


Bring technical excellence with you when you walk in the door every day.


Quote from: Hawaii596 on 12-14-2016 -- 14:05:20
Sounds like the context is military labs???  If we can't do it, we find a qualified vendor who can, coordinate with the customer and send it out for them (if they wish).  Our quality people qualify vendors per quality manual.
I think the humor of this post has been lost. It's just a question of hypotheticals and humor. Military does that too. At our lab, if we can't do it we send it out. The question here is what would be worse between those two choices and how shall the offender be punished.