6625AF Verification & Calibration

Started by jwilley127, 10-22-2007 -- 17:10:28

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Looking for any information regarding acceptance testing and/or periodic calibration on the 6625AF.   Any procedures or documentation of any kind would be greatly appreciated.   Please foward to jwilley1@cfl. rr. com

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I think I remember hearing the -5 procedures are only given out with AFMETCAL authority, Jeff.   Also, I bet the acceptance wasn't done with that procedure anyways.   Was there some specific information you were looking for?


Recently heard of some calibration traceability issues on these systems.   Can anyone expand on this recent concern?


Well, there's always 33K8-4-1171-1, and according to that, traceability is through a Measurements International 4310AF calibrated by AFPSL.
Kirk: "Scotty you're confined to quarters." Scotty: "Thank you, Captain! Now I have a chance to catch up on my technical journals!"


Does this verify ratio accuracy for ratios of other than 1:1, 10:1 and 100:1?  How about for any ratios of less than 100:1 or 10:1?  How is the range xtender calibrated.   Sorry I don't have a copy of the 33K.