Who is Skiddaddle??

Started by USMCPMEL, 08-31-2012 -- 09:02:34

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PMEL Whore

Ok seriously, and I'm not even sure I got this in the right thread anymore.

We all know 3rd party and military metrology are 2 different animals.  That doesn't preclude us from doing the best job that we can within the parameters of our application.  Most of us have been in the military and understand how the military does it, many times cald to a spec as required for the application rather than to manuf specs, T.O. directed limitations, 4:1 TAR if possible etc, etc.  For those that haven't worked commercial, you may not get it completely.  It is a business, time is money, and while it is the users responsibility to tell you what they need, as metrologists we have a responsibility to "help them" with this.  Most, not all, civilian applications are less critical than military requirements, don't get me wrong people can still die if we screw it up.  As somebody earlier in this thread, or the other one somewhere said, it is a partnership between the customer and the lab to get him what he needs.  FWIW, I disagree with the selling of stickers just to get the item out, for a customer to have a "certified" item.  We need to be responsible with the procedure and specs we use for the customer.  It's their job to understand what they have, it's our job to help them.  That's why in the military labs you don't limit an item by saying "Step 4.2 not cald", the customer has no idea what that means.

Don't check your integrity at the door.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.  credit Dennis Miller 
I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.


I think I've heard of a horror story or two about past technicians at Base-X that would limit like that.
"My wings have healed." - Probably a parrot said this.


You are right PMEL .. WHORE but I think the issue is whether or not cal'n to full specs is considered a limitation if the certs state otherwise.  I have a very similiar issue where I am working now and I can tell you that the mission is critical.
Most contractors for the Gov use sub contracted cal services.  I believe this fact over rules your statement about how critical it is for commercial business. I'm sticking to my convictions that it shall be a limited calibration.  I convinced all the higher ups where I work currently that this is the truth.  IDK, maybe it's just my own school of though.  I wokrked commercial before, I "get it". I have no problem I guess if others see differently.


I like how these threads keep jumping from subject to subject.  I don't know where I am or what it has to do with PMEL. Hey, look.  Blueberries!

PMEL Whore

Quote from: HarryBee on 09-07-2012 -- 12:42:08
You are right PMEL .. WHORE but I think the issue is whether or not cal'n to full specs is considered a limitation if the certs state otherwise.  I have a very similiar issue where I am working now and I can tell you that the mission is critical.
Most contractors for the Gov use sub contracted cal services.  I believe this fact over rules your statement about how critical it is for commercial business. I'm sticking to my convictions that it shall be a limited calibration.  I convinced all the higher ups where I work currently that this is the truth.  IDK, maybe it's just my own school of though.  I wokrked commercial before, I "get it". I have no problem I guess if others see differently.

I agree, if it isn't certified to full manuf specs it is a limitation and should be documented as such, then there is no question as to what has been calibrated, no bad assumptions to be made.  As I said, or tried to, there are critical measurements everywhere, but in many commercial applications not as critical as in the government labs, not always the case, I wasn't trying to make a sweeping statement just painting the broad strokes.  I think we are on the same page though!
I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.