Old Automation software

Started by masseyw1, 12-27-2012 -- 15:26:25

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I know this might not be an easy task but i had to ask. We have the old 3408 Phase noise measurement system. When I was working in an Air Force lab ( as a civilian  :wink:) they had a software program that had all the test parameters set up for the different generators. They also had an attenuation program for the 8902MS. I am trying to locate these programs so that we can develop a quicker process to get our equipment out the door. I know these were programs designed and developed inside the AF but I didn't know if there was a place I could download or have them sent to me! It would help us out tremendously. I know that the phase noise systems was phased out for the newer N-version from Agilent so if anyone has a copy of these programs that they would not mind letting go of please let me know. Thanks for the help.


You came to the right place...we still use it and write our own programs for generators and even the MMR....if you have PKUNZIP I can make you a copy of what we use....
Just PM me with your address, as the files are too big now to email
Summum ius summa iniuria.

The more law, the less justice.

Cicero, De Officiis, I, 33