consulting job pay scale?

Started by USMCPMEL, 11-26-2013 -- 12:56:51

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I was offered a position with a company as a calibration consultant on a very part time basis. The boss man asked me to come up with a pay scale as far as what I would like to be paid as a consultant. Anyone have any experience with this? I was thinking most calibration companies want to make somewhere around $90 an hour or more. I do not want to blow his socks off but I also do not want to undervalue my experience... Any thoughts???

USMC kalibrater

What are you consulting on?  Setting up a calibration program? Uncertainties?
When I consult I look for 120 to 150/hr, I have never had any serious inquiries blink at that. 
It really depends on what you are doing though.  If you are going to be consulting for awhile and report the income and be above board, 90.00/hr shrinks really fast
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." -General James Mattis


I charge $130 per hour consulting on uncertainties.


Setting up a calibration program.

USMC kalibrater

"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." -General James Mattis


A lot of people think the Bill Rate is an easy way to make money and work less.  They don't last long in the business. Your bill rate should represent your ability to get things done fast.  It should show your knowledge as an industry expert in a given field.

Michael L. Schwartz
Automation Engineer
Cal Lab Solutions
  Web -
Phone - 303.317.6670


I charge $150 per hour depending on the level of program that the client is looking for.  If they just want to be set up to be ISO compliant the rate drops to $125, if they want to be ISO 17025 Compliant with accreditation later its $150, and if they want a full walk through of the accreditation process its a minimum of $175 per hour.


Quote from: USMCPMEL on 11-26-2013 -- 12:56:51
I was offered a position with a company as a calibration consultant on a very part time basis. The boss man asked me to come up with a pay scale as far as what I would like to be paid as a consultant. Anyone have any experience with this? I was thinking most calibration companies want to make somewhere around $90 an hour or more. I do not want to blow his socks off but I also do not want to undervalue my experience... Any thoughts???

I was told by one company that at $60/hr, metrology consulting services were a rip-off. KSCalMgr, that same company would have thought you were on drugs with a quote of $125/hr., let alone, $175. I know well-respected individuals with PhDs that are only getting $150/hr, so check your calibration. USMCPMEL, unless the cost of living is very high where you live or you don't need the work, go ahead and make estimates of $175/hr. But I suggest a careful assessment of your prospective customer first; though the administration may be telling us that the economy is rebounding, it has been my recent experience that companies are still being very thrifty with their $$$, especially for metrology work, which is typically associated with a company's overhead and expenses, not profit-making. Good Luck!

USMC kalibrater

Rip-off is surely in the eye of the beholder....especially since a company is looking to outsource for expertise...  I agree with know your customer but also do the math.  If you are doing consulting above board (reporting income, paying taxes, etc) when you look at what would be left of 60/hr you are not going to be making much money
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." -General James Mattis