5700/5720 Repair

Started by dminesinger, 03-08-2017 -- 09:03:20

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Since fluke is no longer supporting the 5700/5720 for repair. Who do you recommend?

*'It's the Veteran, not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press.'
'It's the Veteran, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech.'
''It's the Military who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.'


Try Test Equipment Depot. They sell refurbished equipment but they also do repairs. At a previous company I worked for we sent stuff to them. I thought Fluke would still do repairs on them. Since when did they stop? There are too many places still using the 5700/5720 units.


Fluke "End of Life" chart for calibrators attached.



We have serviced and given accredited calibrations to multiple 5700s/5720s for the Navy, along with tons of other test equipment.


If you have a known good unit there is a very simple and effective troubleshooting technique one of the best troubleshooters I've seen showed me.

I just used the technique to repair one of our old Datron 4700s that had been giving me regular "fail 8" error codes on the 1000 volt range.

The method does not involve swapping boards and is very safe. You simply use a DMM to compare in-circuit forward and reverse resistance readings for each component on a known good board and the faulty one and look for significant differences.

It works and anyone with a known good unit can do it.
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