Started by regor, 09-27-2019 -- 18:01:59

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Did I miss the memo?

I can't get to any website and their phone goes to message.


Yes, they are moving their operations center to another building down the street.  Here is their timeline from the notification.

-25 September 2019 (Weds.) - Data production and updating of the data base will continue through this date. All web sites are still accessible.

-26-30 September 2019 (Thurs.-Mon.) - During this period, all computer systems, web sites and databases will be taken off-line and automated data delivery will be interrupted. All computers will be moved, connected to the new ISP and ultimately brought back online.

-30 September 2019 (Mon.) - Operations center personnel will physically move into the new facility.

-01 October 2019 (Tues.) - Systems, data production, and automated data delivery are expected to be
"They are in front of us, behind us, and we are flanked on both sides by an enemy that out numbers us 29:1. They can't get away from us now!!"
-Chesty Puller


Thank you, I appreciate that silv3rstr3.