The Presidential Race

Started by cobychuck, 08-27-2008 -- 17:59:00

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Who is your candidate for this election?

John Sidney McCain III
18 (69.2%)
Barack Hussein Obama
8 (30.8%)

Total Members Voted: 26

Voting closed: 02-03-2009 -- 16:59:00


Sorry!  I just uploaded my picture.  I'm such a handsome devil.  Had to feature it.  It's about ten years old, but still me.  Taken in the hangar of JAARS Inc (Jungle Avation and Radio Services Inc. in Waxhaw NC).

Just to stick to topic... (a sorry attempt)...  So Barack Obama was on Letterman last night, and said that IF he was referring to McCain/Palin in his lipstick and pig comment (which I take him at his word that he was not), he would have been referring to Palin as the lipstick and not the pig.  And the pig (in his opinion) was McCain's political machine (or something like that - my short term memory is going).
"I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind."
Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)
from lecture to the Institute of Civil Engineers, 3 May 1883


Quote from: flew-da-coup link=topic=1104.   msg11595#msg11595 date=1221126933
You are done bothering with me because I bring common sense and logic to the table and you will not address it.    That is okay, I understand why you will not address my responses.    You simpley can't.  

By the way, The Democrats think that off shore drilling is worth it.    They just put out a plan to stop the ban on off shore drilling after they found out how out of touch they are.    So what other Republican agendas are they going to adopt after finding out they are wrong on also?

No, I'm done bothering with you because of how gullible you are.    You are taking a politician for his full word instead of reading between the lines.    You tell me I'm drinking the "kool-aid" yet you think McCain is actually telling you the truth in anything he says.    Maybe you should apply some of the critical sense and logic you want to tout above me and understand more how politicians work.  

In fact, here's a liberal youtube to show how "Straight Talk" McCain really is!

He's obviously telling the truth all the time and you can trust him. 


Quote from: made-in-japan on 09-11-2008 -- 17:14:14
Quote from: flew-da-coup link=topic=1104.   msg11595#msg11595 date=1221126933
You are done bothering with me because I bring common sense and logic to the table and you will not address it.    That is okay, I understand why you will not address my responses.    You simpley can't.  

By the way, The Democrats think that off shore drilling is worth it.    They just put out a plan to stop the ban on off shore drilling after they found out how out of touch they are.    So what other Republican agendas are they going to adopt after finding out they are wrong on also?

No, I'm done bothering with you because of how gullible you are.    You are taking a politician for his full word instead of reading between the lines.    You tell me I'm drinking the "kool-aid" yet you think McCain is actually telling you the truth in anything he says.    Maybe you should apply some of the critical sense and logic you want to tout above me and understand more how politicians work.  

In fact, here's a liberal youtube to show how "Straight Talk" McCain really is!

He's obviously telling the truth all the time and you can trust him. 

I knew you wouldn't responed to my last post with an answer. You have not responeded to any of my arguements, other than changing the subject matter. And no, I am not a big McCain fan either. I am a Palin fan and I believe than she can keep McCain in check. McCain is aften too liberal for me and I was not thrilled that he won the Republican Nomination.  So , maybe you need to try to stop thinking that you know how I feel about McCain. I do believe he is a better choice than Obama, but he is not my top choice.

As for the video, well what about this on Or this one I could go on if you wish.
Maybe you should apply some of the critical sense and logic before you question my understanding of politics. As for you responeding to this retort, well..... I don't expect one, because you have already shown all of us that you don't know how too.

Obama is obviously telling the truth all the time and you can trust him. Advice for you, don't bring knives to gun fights.
You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume.Leviticus 19:35


Quote from: flew-da-coup link=topic=1104. msg11600#msg11600 date=1221213329Obama is obviously telling the truth all the time and you can trust him.  Advice for you, don't bring knives to gun fights.

See, there you go again.  You have no idea how I feel towards Obama and you just chose to assume how I did.  And even then, we were not even talking about him.  We were discussing McCain and why he does not tell us the truth.  There are plenty of things wrong with Obama but he's going to show better judgment than some 72 year old Alzheimer's patient waiting to die.

As for responding to this retort, I don't care if you do because this is just getting more fun by the day.  I got two days left of annoying you!


  It never ceases to amaze me how dumb people can be.   In light of everything about obama and his "buddies", there are people that are so liberal that they will vote for him!   When I hear someone say, " I have not decided yet, I am weighing the issues."
I want to either laugh or cry.  By now, using this excuse to hide their liberal mindset does not work.  If they have not decided by now, with all we know and what we do not know, then they are obamanites.  Pure and Simple.  Kool aide drinking idiots that are clueless as to what this country needs or stands for.
I am no McCain fan, but I have great hopes for Palin.   She is the only one of the whole lot that is worth a damn.
So, Mr Made in Japan,  as a newby in this group it is suprising that you attack with your simple minded opinions.
If you cannot post anything worth reading, then try to refrain from posting.
The Center Will Not Hold


I've been following this string for a couple of days now and there are some pretty strong views on the presidential nominees out there.   I cant say that i can include myself as a strong supporter of either canidate, but I'm going to throw this question out there.   With so many sources of information on the canidates out there, none of which are unbiased in my opinion, how can anyone back any of these nominees?  I have done my homework on the McCain ticket and the Obama ticket, and most of the time i feel overwhelmed.  I don't think that any news source is unbiased.   Tune into any news network, and they have one "expert" after another giving opposite opinions.  You can't rely on any newspaper to give you straight facts, some papers even come right out and endorse a canidate straight out.   So in the end I tried to change tactics.   I would just research each canidates voting record and the material published by the canidates themselves.   Has anyone actually looked at these canidates voting records?  First you have to sift through all the "NO VOTES" to get to the ones that they actually voted on, and even then, you would have to read the entire bill with all the earmarks to grasp what the bill is really about and why your potential canindate voted yes or no.   I don't know many people who are fluent in Leagaleese, but i can comprehend probably 60percent of what is written in these bills.   I have looked at what kind of committees they  have been in, what types of lobyist they align themselves with and who they are taking money from, and in the end i just feel frustrated with the entire system.   As for trying to make a decision based on just what the canidates say. . .  right from the horses mouth. . .  I'm kind of screwed there too.   Every time I find them standing on one platform. . . say. . . how to fix the economy or the Iraq war, It seems to me that both canindates will say different things depending on what audience they are speaking to.   (In more cases Obama is guilty of this one).   So what i am basically trying to say, is that if anyone out there can give me a fresh avenue or something to tip me off this fence i'm on, then I'm all ears.


Quote from: flew-da-coup on 09-10-2008 -- 12:52:04
It is obvious you drink the left wing Democrat Kool-Aid.
Quote from: dallanta on 09-12-2008 -- 06:57:28
  It never ceases to amaze me how dumb people can be.   In light of everything about obama and his "buddies", there are people that are so liberal that they will vote for him!   ...  By now, using this excuse to hide their liberal mindset does not work.  If they have not decided by now, with all we know and what we do not know, then they are obamanites.  Pure and Simple.  Kool aide drinking idiots that are clueless as to what this country needs or stands for.
It just amazes me that so many people's beliefs are to one extreme or the other.  You are either a lefty pinko commie idiot or a rightwing neocon zealot nutjob.  The quotes I'm using show one side, because that's what I can find in this thread.  Obviously, it goes both ways.  I've read enough comments on multiple new sources to see both sides.  And it ain't pretty.

Is there no middle ground?  I guess there's just no place in this for a common sense middle-of-the-road moderate...  I just don't get it.
There are only 10 types of people in this world.  Those who understand binary, and those who don't.   :wink:


Quote from: Crayonman on 09-12-2008 -- 07:46:36
I've been following this string for a couple of days now and there are some pretty strong views on the presidential nominees out there.   I cant say that i can include myself as a strong supporter of either canidate, but I'm going to throw this question out there.   With so many sources of information on the canidates out there, none of which are unbiased in my opinion, how can anyone back any of these nominees?  I have done my homework on the McCain ticket and the Obama ticket, and most of the time i feel overwhelmed.  I don't think that any news source is unbiased.   Tune into any news network, and they have one "expert" after another giving opposite opinions.  You can't rely on any newspaper to give you straight facts, some papers even come right out and endorse a canidate straight out.   So in the end I tried to change tactics.   I would just research each canidates voting record and the material published by the canidates themselves.   Has anyone actually looked at these canidates voting records?  First you have to sift through all the "NO VOTES" to get to the ones that they actually voted on, and even then, you would have to read the entire bill with all the earmarks to grasp what the bill is really about and why your potential canindate voted yes or no.   I don't know many people who are fluent in Leagaleese, but i can comprehend probably 60percent of what is written in these bills.   I have looked at what kind of committees they  have been in, what types of lobyist they align themselves with and who they are taking money from, and in the end i just feel frustrated with the entire system.   As for trying to make a decision based on just what the canidates say. . .  right from the horses mouth. . .  I'm kind of screwed there too.   Every time I find them standing on one platform. . . say. . . how to fix the economy or the Iraq war, It seems to me that both canindates will say different things depending on what audience they are speaking to.   (In more cases Obama is guilty of this one).   So what i am basically trying to say, is that if anyone out there can give me a fresh avenue or something to tip me off this fence i'm on, then I'm all ears.
I support Obama for my own reasons but I have found information on the following website which attempts to strip away the bias and rheoteric for all candidates. I agree with Hoopty that there are extreme opinions on both sides in this race.


Crayonman... The thing I found that in my opinion trumps all the information out there. John Mccain's son is in Iraq or at least he was a little while back here. I could not find any mention any where of John Mccain talking about it he does not want to use his son as a tool to get into the white house. Now Sarah's son is going to Iraq also, she is not talking about it very much. They both understand honor and duty and love our country enough to send thier kids in harms way to defend it. Enough said they have my vote.


Okay, I will just boil it down to Character.

John McCain: Refused to leave a POW camp and spent 5 more years after he refused. He stood by his fellow men that he hardley knew.

Barrak Obama: Distanced himself from someone ( Rev. Wright ) that he called in the past a friend, spiritial mentor and his pastor for political gain. He has known Wright for over 20 years.

Now, political issues aside, who would you really trust? Someone who will stand by you or someone who would leave you behind to save his own butt in a heart beat?
You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume.Leviticus 19:35


Now Sarah's son is going to Iraq also, she is not talking about it very much.

really because i have heard it from her about 10 times already including her interview with ABC yesterday.

as for john's POW record, he did what is expected from all service members not because of people he barely know
Article III:  If I am captured, I will continue to resist by all means available.  I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape.  I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.
as for news agency bias, listen to what they have to say, because most of it is wrapped around a little truth or it would be totally unbelievable, then research those issues you find important.  luckily both candidates are current senators so you can find how they voted on issues you find important.  some candidates will say they support troops and vote against every troop spending bill that comes along, but i will leave that for you to figure out which.


Quote from: jimmyc on 09-12-2008 -- 10:29:26
Now Sarah's son is going to Iraq also, she is not talking about it very much.

really because i have heard it from her about 10 times already including her interview with ABC yesterday.

as for john's POW record, he did what is expected from all service members not because of people he barely know
Article III:  If I am captured, I will continue to resist by all means available.  I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape.  I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.
as for news agency bias, listen to what they have to say, because most of it is wrapped around a little truth or it would be totally unbelievable, then research those issues you find important.  luckily both candidates are current senators so you can find how they voted on issues you find important.  some candidates will say they support troops and vote against every troop spending bill that comes along, but i will leave that for you to figure out which.

Good, you have good character too. Obama has already shown that he would have left the POW camp, just like Rev. Wright.
You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume.Leviticus 19:35


Joe Biden's son is going to Iraq as well but I've hardly heard it talked about at all either.

And to Hoopty, there is a middle ground but attacking one another is not the way. Calling out someone's character does nothing to move the dialog forward and I'm the first to say I get a little short tempered when someone is too stubborn. I get really into this stuff because it does decide our country's future and any kind of distortion of facts annoys me. But the real concern this election should not be "he said, she said" crap but the real issues and I brought that to the table with my first post of this thread. It was disputed even though it came from credible sources who have no bias whatsoever to make up falsehoods. Rather than that, I was criticized above as a "liberal", "drinking the kool-aid", or a "newby in this group" with "simple minded opinions" that "If you cannot post anything worth reading, then try to refrain from posting."

Sorry but that infuriates me. Just because my worldview does not conform to your own gives you no right to attack my character or hurl insults. That isn't talking about the issues at all. I've tried to discuss the issues but I was told I was "going on a bent" when pork spending was brought up and I stated Gov. Palin's past on pork spending. It was nice though to see Hawaii596 and I debate, politely, domestic drilling without the bitter name calling and insults. I enjoyed it because we weren't in each others' faces but were able to provide accurate information and opinions that didn't boil down to "you're dumb and I'm right".

As for the middle ground you talked about, I find it hard to agree with Obama on a few issues like gun control, faith based initiatives and definitely this next one I'm about to describe. Now Obama once said that if he had actionable intelligence, that there were terrorists in Pakistan, and U.S. forces could get to them then he would send them across the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. I disagreed with this vehemently when he said that and I still do. And it was a shock to see that President Bush had signed off on similar type raids in July of this year with the September 3rd raid being one of them. It basically boils down to the fact that we can not provoke another country into war with us, especially Pakistan. The Pakistani Army Chief of Staff has stated that he is authorizing them to use force against any American units that operate inside Pakistan. And this isn't a small insurgency we would have to deal with but the 7th largest military IN THE WORLD. They have close ties to China and also have a nuclear arsenal. We're playing with fire by doing these things and we could get seriously burned by it.


I personally like tha fact that Bush authorized the attacks into Pakistan.  Its about time the US start flexing some muscles against these countries who are directly giving refuge to the terrorist scum of the WORLD.  I find it ironic what the terrorists are doing in Afganistan and Iraq.  Has an eery similarity to Vietnam and Laos.  Couldnt cross into Laos either but the VC could.  And the war was eventually lost.  Im not worried about countries like China.  The smack will fly between the US and China but wether people like it or not we need each other.  China needs our cash and we need there cheap labor and goods.  Its a global economy and the US is the #1 spender.  Kind of why China was so quick to react to the Lead issues in toys.  Im all for countries sovernties but they need to understand that IF they are doing something that could effect the US National Security then the US will do what it needs to to ensure its existance.  Personally why I like attack them they will retaliate 10 fold.  The US is a superpower and if you want to spew this anti-american jihad crap then be prepared to feel the brunt of the US military.



Good, you have good character too. Obama has already shown that he would have left the POW camp, just like Rev. Wright

just like john did rev hagee

politicians are politicians first above all.