Presidential Debate #1

Started by docbyers, 09-27-2008 -- 06:40:34

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Who "won" the 1st Presidential debate in Oxford, MS?

John McCain
11 (68.8%)
Barack Obama
5 (31.3%)

Total Members Voted: 16


It was an interesting debate Friday night - do you think there was a clear winner?
If it works, it's a Fluke.


Can't wait to see the VP candidates debate! Should be really interesting, perhaps painful! I'm sure Biden will have his lunch handed to him! :| :wink:


Personally, I didn't see any clear winner...

I agree K-Rock, Thursday's VP debate should be more entertaining.
There are only 10 types of people in this world.  Those who understand binary, and those who don't.   :wink:


Quote from: K-Rock on 09-28-2008 -- 00:59:47
Can't wait to see the VP candidates debate! Should be really interesting, perhaps painful! I'm sure Biden will have his lunch handed to him! :| :wink:

Biden is a wind bag. He talks alot , but never says anything. I am curious to see how the debate goes though. I expect him to pull an Al Gore and make faces like Palin is stupid or something. He has been known to do that on the senate floor. That would be a death blow to him if he does. 
You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume.Leviticus 19:35


Quote from: flew-da-coup on 09-29-2008 -- 16:03:59

Biden is a wind bag. He talks alot , but never says anything. I am curious to see how the debate goes though. I expect him to pull an Al Gore and make faces like Palin is stupid or something. He has been known to do that on the senate floor. That would be a death blow to him if he does. 
Biden does have a tendency to talk alot, so hope he can contain himself. From what I've seen of Palin, I think a lot of America may be making those faces....


There are only 10 types of people in this world.  Those who understand binary, and those who don't.   :wink:


You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume.Leviticus 19:35


Ok so 9 out af 11 people here say they are gonna vote Mccain how is Obama so far ahead in the polls then??


Quote from: USMCPMEL on 10-02-2008 -- 14:03:13
Ok so 9 out af 11 people here say they are gonna vote Mccain how is Obama so far ahead in the polls then??
I'm surprised that 8 other people are with me on this forum, as I would expect more of a conservative leanings from AD and vets. I think the polls have changed some recently due to the financial crisis, and people wrongly assigning blame to the Republican party.


Quote from: K-Rock on 10-02-2008 -- 14:55:28
Quote from: USMCPMEL on 10-02-2008 -- 14:03:13
Ok so 9 out af 11 people here say they are gonna vote Mccain how is Obama so far ahead in the polls then??
I'm surprised that 8 other people are with me on this forum, as I would expect more of a conservative leanings from AD and vets. I think the polls have changed some recently due to the financial crisis, and people wrongly assigning blame to the Republican party.

I think people forget who really makes all the decisions that this country has to live with.


The congressional and representative elections are just as important as the presidential election.
James T.  LaRue
TRMD-Patriot Missile Facility
Calibration Lab Metrologist


Quote from: ventura on 10-02-2008 -- 17:31:11
Quote from: K-Rock on 10-02-2008 -- 14:55:28
Quote from: USMCPMEL on 10-02-2008 -- 14:03:13
Ok so 9 out af 11 people here say they are gonna vote Mccain how is Obama so far ahead in the polls then??
I'm surprised that 8 other people are with me on this forum, as I would expect more of a conservative leanings from AD and vets. I think the polls have changed some recently due to the financial crisis, and people wrongly assigning blame to the Republican party.

I think people forget who really makes all the decisions that this country has to live with.


The congressional and representative elections are just as important as the presidential election.

That is correct and who has been in control of congress for the past 2 years? The Democrats of course. But Democrats don't like to take responsibility unless it's a good thing. 
You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume.Leviticus 19:35


Quote from: flew-da-coup on 10-02-2008 -- 20:44:47
That is correct and who has been in control of congress for the past 2 years? The Democrats of course. But Democrats don't like to take responsibility unless it's a good thing. 
And what about the previous 6 years? Which by the way was the run up to this entire mess.  Ultimately, my point being, they are all to blame.  Every one of them, whether they are Dem or Rep are to blame.  No matter who's in control, nothing ever gets done.  They are the most inefficient group of people on the planet.  Just look at how they've handled this so called "bailout".  It started out as a 3 page document and ballooned into 451 just to appease and entice votes.  And both parties are to blame equally.

I'm so sick of the finger pointing.  Democrat this, Republican that.  Can't we just get something done for the good of our country for a change?  Sheesh.
There are only 10 types of people in this world.  Those who understand binary, and those who don't.   :wink:


Quote from: Hoopty on 10-04-2008 -- 01:17:09
Quote from: flew-da-coup on 10-02-2008 -- 20:44:47
That is correct and who has been in control of congress for the past 2 years? The Democrats of course. But Democrats don't like to take responsibility unless it's a good thing. 
And what about the previous 6 years? Which by the way was the run up to this entire mess.  Ultimately, my point being, they are all to blame.  Every one of them, whether they are Dem or Rep are to blame.  No matter who's in control, nothing ever gets done.  They are the most inefficient group of people on the planet.  Just look at how they've handled this so called "bailout".  It started out as a 3 page document and ballooned into 451 just to appease and entice votes.  And both parties are to blame equally.

I'm so sick of the finger pointing.  Democrat this, Republican that.  Can't we just get something done for the good of our country for a change?  Sheesh.

Actually, wouldn't it be more fair to blame stupid people getting home loans for houses they cannot afford by getting ARM loans. It is also the banks who loaned them the money who are to blame. I am against the bailout too. Why should we pay for others stupidity?
You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume.Leviticus 19:35


I think what we all need to do is send them a message they will understand.  Take a $2,100 dollar deduction off of your taxes this year.  And send the IRS a note..

I'm going to use the money to pay my mortgage, instead.

I am getting tired of other people deciding how to spend my money.  Like you I work hard for my money.  But to these people we elect, most who have never worked a day in their life, they think money grows on trees.

Less that 10 cents of every tax dollar we spend goes to National Defence, NASA, Roads, and running the government.

I am just getting sick of working my butt off, and someone else getting all the benefits.

Michael L. Schwartz
Automation Engineer
Cal Lab Solutions
  Web -
Phone - 303.317.6670


Quote from: CalLabSolutions on 10-12-2008 -- 09:37:43
I think what we all need to do is send them a message they will understand.  Take a $2,100 dollar deduction off of your taxes this year.  And send the IRS a note..

I'm going to use the money to pay my mortgage, instead.

I am getting tired of other people deciding how to spend my money.  Like you I work hard for my money.  But to these people we elect, most who have never worked a day in their life, they think money grows on trees.

Less that 10 cents of every tax dollar we spend goes to National Defence, NASA, Roads, and running the government.

I am just getting sick of working my butt off, and someone else getting all the benefits.

Amen to that, but all that would get us is IRS agents with guns knocking on your door. We now live in a country that takes money from us and gives it to poor sapps that don't want to work and so forth. If you refuse to pay for someone elses irresponsibility then they take your money by force.
You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume.Leviticus 19:35