New Forum Function

Started by Hoopty, 03-12-2009 -- 22:16:08

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By popular demand...

I have added an 'ignore user' feature to the forum.

1.  You can Ignore/Unignore a user by clicking on the link in the "Author info" included with every single post.
2.  You can also manage your ignore list by going in your Profile-> Ignore User options.
3.  You can't ignore me!   :-D


There are only 10 types of people in this world.  Those who understand binary, and those who don't.   :wink:


Ha! I wonder what thread prompted that? :-D



As my unvarnished candor is not easily stomached by the squeamish among us, I full expect to be placed on many "Ignore" lists. That being the case, I am humbly requesting your permission to post my old avatar that was deemed offensive by these same weak-kneed types. It was enthusiastically embraced by the heterosexual set that still frequents this site.

I would also like to take a moment to thank you for allowing us some latitude with our posts. I know that some are not comfortable with the brutal honesty and frankness sometimes on display here and many yearn for a kinder, gentler PMEL Forum. I would hope that you would resist the temptation to pacify a few malcontents at the expense of the many who enjoy a more animated exchange of ideas.  I would recommend to anyone that doesn't like what they are reading to treat the threads like T.V. channels and strongly encourage them to change the channel if they find something objectionable. Problem solved. Nobody is being forced into reading anything here ala Clockwork Orange. If anything, I would bet that some of the more recent threads have generated more daily hits to this site than the more sterile, mundane content of the past. And even if they don't post, it's like a train wreck, they just can't look away.

Keep up the good work, Hoopty. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we appreciate all your hard work and dedication to this site and we look forward to it's continued success. Thank you.


What was your old avatar???


You saw it USMC. As a matter of fact, you were one of the people that heartily endorsed it. It was a scantily clad Asian broad looking as good as the day is long. Provocative, yet tasteful.


Quote from: Duckbutta on 03-13-2009 -- 09:48:33
You saw it USMC. As a matter of fact, you were one of the people that heartily endorsed it. It was a half-naked Asian broad looking as good as the day is long.

That was a nice avatar...
Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer



1.  I have no problem with your candor.  Whether anyone agrees with it or not, is beside the point.  I'm all for open discussion and the free flow of ideas.  It's kind of the whole point of having this open forum.  But, what I do have a problem with, is when a post crosses the line (or even gets vaguely close to the line) and becomes personal.  I've seen this rule in the Terms of Service used elsewhere, and I think it is a great rule to follow:  "Attack the post, not the poster".  I think that most of the long-time members here will attest to the fact that I am pretty hands off and against censoring posts.  But if it crosses that line, I will take action.  So as long as the post is on-topic, in the right forum, and not abusive in nature, feel free to post away.

2.  As for your avatar, it was reported as offensive and I made the decision that it definitely could be considered offensive to some of our members.  While it may have been "embraced by the heterosexual" men on the site, you also have to remember that this is not an all-boys club where anything goes either.  So you see, it didn't have anything to do with some "weak-kneed type", nor do I have any problem with asking you to change it, and ultimately using admin powers to change it myself.  PMEL Forum attracts many professionals from all spectrums of the working world and in order to keep attracting them we must maintain some semblance of professionalism. 

Now, with that being said, and with the addition of the ignore feature, I will allow you to change your avatar back.  If somebody doesn't like it, they are now free to ignore you and it won't show up in the thread.  Just like changing the channel.  Also, that's not to say that there are no longer any restrictions on avatars either, because obviously there is still a threshold that you can cross.  And let's just say that your previous avatar was right there at the threshold.

If anybody has any questions, concerns, or comments, just let me know.

There are only 10 types of people in this world.  Those who understand binary, and those who don't.   :wink:


Doing a great job, Hoopty! I've enjoyed this forum for years and think that your facilitation has been fair and minimal. I definately would not characterize it as overly censored or "weak-kneed". Thanks for keeping it going! 



Thank you for allowing my avatar to once again grace the threads of PMEL Forum. How anyone found it offensive is beyond me. I think she brightens up the joint and adds a nice touch.

When I was uploading my avatar today, I noticed that I am only on two "Ignore" lists. It seems that my previous post was spot-on about it just being a few people doing all the belly-achin'. The vocal minority always gets a lot more attention than the silent majority.

And while I do like to stir the pot on occasion in the General Discussion Forum, I also like to contribute when I can to the technical posts and thought I did an admirable job this week playing nice with the Rodney King crowd.


Cyber Bully

The National Crime Prevention Council's definition of cyber-bullying is "when the Internet, is used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person."

Cyber bullies remain virtually anonymous using, pseudonyms, to mask their identity; this perhaps frees them from normative and social constraints on their behavior.

Cyber-bullies feel emboldened when using electronic means to carry out their antagonistic agenda because it takes less energy and courage to express hurtful comments using a keypad or a keyboard than with one's voice.

A cyber-bully is unforgiving and often seizes on and exploits others' mistakes or perceived mistakes.

One of the most damaging effects of a cyber bully, is that a user of a forum starts to avoid the forum, often the very intention of the cyber-bully.

People feel violated when they find negative comments, self esteem damaging posts and verbal slandering on the internet. It is something that they can not just tear up and hope no one see's. These words and images are out there and there is nothing that one can do about it. It is there to stay for as long as this cyber bully chooses for it to stay.

Although we do have the right to free speech, we do not have the right to defame and slander another person. We do not have the right to be emotionally and verbally abusive to other people. We are allowed free speech within the limits of the law. Freedom of speech is a right that we should be an adult about and think before we speak.


Quote from: Duckbutta link=topic=1235. msg12598#msg12598 date=1237696089

Thank you for allowing my avatar to once again grace the threads of PMEL Forum.  How anyone found it offensive is beyond me.  I think she brightens up the joint and adds a nice touch. 

When I was uploading my avatar today, I noticed that I am only on two "Ignore" lists.  It seems that my previous post was spot-on about it just being a few people doing all the belly-achin'.  The vocal minority always gets a lot more attention than the silent majority.

And while I do like to stir the pot on occasion in the General Discussion Forum, I also like to contribute when I can to the technical posts and thought I did an admirable job this week playing nice with the Rodney King crowd.

It's not your avatar duck, it's your personality.  You have SOME valid points, but you're not in any way shape or form humble.  You spout off your opinions as if they are all fact.  Maybe some are and maybe some aren't.  Your problem is that you do not know the difference.  God forbid someone does not agree with you.  Try some humility before you spout off again and make a fool of yourself.


QuoteIt's not your avatar duck, it's your personality.  You have SOME valid points, but you're not in any way shape or form humble.  You spout off your opinions as if they are all fact.  Maybe some are and maybe some aren't.  Your problem is that you do not know the difference.  God forbid someone does not agree with you.  Try some humility before you spout off again and make a fool of yourself.

I agree completely ZZ.

No, I haven't put you on ignore duck. But I did complain that your attack on Winterfire was over the line. It was!

As you claim, you may be the best calibrator in the world. But would I hire you to work for me with your attitude? No. I work in a very open and diverse scientific research facility where knowing what you do is almost secondary to working together as a team and helping other people solve measurement problems.

I wish you continued pleasure working for the government. It's a great ride, I know, I'm retired civil service. But to get along in the civilian world you do need to tone your opinions and attitudes down a lot.


I think the problem with some of you is a lack of core principles. The concept is foreign to you and since you don't have any bedrock principles upon which to stand, you become uncomfortable when someone else does. Using your own frame of reference, you don't see how it's possible for someone to feel so strongly about a given subject because you lack this conviction yourself. You believe that if everyone was as spineless as you that we would all be better off. I disagree.


Core Principal #1 | Remain Calm - Remaining calm throughout the duck training process and day to day basis will truly get your message across efficiently and clearly.  When one is not calm during the duck training and day to day interaction the duck will not trust one (or ones mix commands).   Remaining calm allows, whatever message one is conveying, to achieve a crystal clear result.  The reason being, the duck was not distracted by any confusion brought on by ones yelling or mixed commands.

Core Principal #2 | Be Assertive - Being calm does not mean that one become a duckie floor mat.  Assertiveness is a keystone in the overall trust and leadership role as well.  Being calm is the conduit to one effectively delivering ones message of alpha assertiveness to ones duck successfully.

Core Principal #3 | Commit to Early duckie Socialization & training- Trying to train a duck who has been cooped up in an closed environment with pent-up thought process - will not happen.   Especially a duck who is not fixed (neutered).  Give a duck government employment, this allows the duck to effectively receive and retain the duck's own significance/substance.  This is especially true after the expulsion of the pent-up thought process.  The duck is no longer hung up on the pent-up thought process which allows the duck to focus on ones information more naturally.

A fine balance of these three ingredients are a powerful duck training combination for success no matter how long one has been at it.  The faster a duck learns this the more effective a duck trainer one may become.


Quote from: Duckbutta on 03-23-2009 -- 09:41:34
I think the problem with some of you is a lack of core principles. The concept is foreign to you and since you don't have any bedrock principles upon which to stand, you become uncomfortable when someone else does. Using your own frame of reference, you don't see how it's possible for someone to feel so strongly about a given subject because you lack this conviction yourself. You believe that if everyone was as spineless as you that we would all be better off. I disagree.

I think it's more that some of us can't see how it's possible for someone to feel so strongly about a given subject with such little basis in fact. It isn't helpful that there seems to be some kind of juvenile pre-occupation with gratuitous personal attacks in every post (outside of your technical responses).
It takes away from whatever authority you claim to have and gives the impression that you simply post to get a reaction, otherwise known as trolling.

Is it possible to have a discussion with you without the insults?
Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer