MetCal 7

Started by PmelLead, 05-15-2010 -- 11:48:35

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We have Metcal in the office, Is there a way to change the timeout betwenn steps in the program.

For instance it has just finshed 1 step of the test and it is waiting for something to be changed, after 8 minutes it fails and you have to start again from the beginning.




Quote from: PmelLead on 05-15-2010 -- 11:48:35
We have Metcal in the office, Is there a way to change the timeout betwenn steps in the program.

For instance it has just finshed 1 step of the test and it is waiting for something to be changed, after 8 minutes it fails and you have to start again from the beginning.




What are you trying to cal. What are you trying to test when the system errors out. What are the error messages. Did someone at your shop write the module or did Fluke. This is some of the info we need to answer your question.


*'It's the Veteran, not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press.'
'It's the Veteran, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech.'
''It's the Military who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.'


Assuming the set-up is configured correctly and everything is talking; you are most likely getting a "SRQ" from one of the instruments. Is the procedure written by Fluke, 3rd party or yourself. I would step through the program in editor, then find out which instrument is causing the timeout, then take the appropriate action. Turn off the SRQ....whatever.


Thanks for the reply, It is a Fluke written procedure.  The UUT is a TDS3054, It gets to the Sig_Path_comp and gives a timeout message while doing this part of the procedure.

Can you explain Turn off SRQ.




Send your question to this site: it is the "hard core" metcal user's group.  You will definitely get an answer there.


Quote from: PmelLead on 05-24-2010 -- 09:28:24
Thanks for the reply, It is a Fluke written procedure.  The UUT is a TDS3054, It gets to the Sig_Path_comp and gives a timeout message while doing this part of the procedure.

Can you explain Turn off SRQ.



If you enter advance. Does it run the Sig_Path_Comp. If it does, look at the *RST statement. Edit it to say *RST/DESI and see if that works.


*'It's the Veteran, not the reporter who has given us the freedom of the press.'
'It's the Veteran, not the poet, who has given us the freedom of speech.'
''It's the Military who salutes the flag, who serves beneath the flag, and whose coffin is draped by the flag, who allows the protester to burn the flag.'


Just a suggestion - the subroutine for SIg Path COMP has a time variable per UUT requirements, howver this is not always correct and can be adjusted.

5. 009  MATH         L[1] = GET("Sig_Path_Comp_Time")
5. 010  WAIT         -t [L1] [MEM2]

If it fails prior to test completion (not a comm error) you need to comment out line
5. 009 and edit 5. 010 to a longer FIXED time.

Best of luck!

OLD post though huh!


We do not and will not use a Fluke procedure here.They all have the same problem--FULL OF BUGS--and they take their sweet time fixing this,if at all.If you want procedures that work,call CAL LAB SOLUTIONS at 303-921-9987.I know they have the procedure in question because we are running it.


Thanks RF..

Yes we do have this procedure, and it has been 100% QA-ed by several companies to match the written procedure 100%.. I know it you all are saying, well is should.  But next time you run a procedure, open the manual and check for yourself..

If you haven't experienced the Cal Lab Solutions, difference. Drop me a line, I have a sample procedures I will send you for free!

Mike Schwartz
Cal Lab Solutions
Michael L. Schwartz
Automation Engineer
Cal Lab Solutions
  Web -
Phone - 303.317.6670


To change the timeout between steps use
IEEE   [D10000]
This will delay it for 10 sec
Hey Nani Nani Cho Cho Cho, Hey Nani Nani Cho!


Quote from: RFCAL on 02-16-2011 -- 14:11:06
We do not and will not use a Fluke procedure here.They all have the same problem--FULL OF BUGS--and they take their sweet time fixing this,if at all.If you want procedures that work,call CAL LAB SOLUTIONS at 303-921-9987.I know they have the procedure in question because we are running it.

Do you work for Cal Lab Solutions?


No,it's that they do great work!! You should model all your programs to this method.


Are you being serious RFCAL? Kind of hard to tell..


No.. RF CAL Does not work for me. 

His company has been a long time good customer of ours.  We started with them about 8 years ago getting all of their Intercal Procedures up and running..  Then moved on to other bigger projects.

My goal as a company is to make every customer A Happy Customer. So my of my customers have turned into advocates for my company.

Part of the reason we are Agilent Channel Partners is because we have taken care of customers like RF-CAL.  And customers like him have been very positive about our little company..

Michael L. Schwartz
Automation Engineer
Cal Lab Solutions
  Web -
Phone - 303.317.6670