Started by MasbateMike, 08-07-2010 -- 00:34:04

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Just a "heads up" on these GREAT overseas jobs. My friend worked in Afghanistan making 130k per year great pay right? WRONG he was REQUIRED to work 12 hours EVERYDAY. If you do the math (with overtime and doubletime for Sunday which most jobs in the states would pay)it works out to about $25 an hour ( Yes I figured in that you get 30 days off free per year ) ... When he quit over there he said the next contract were going to be offering less money.


It is true that it may only be like $25 an hour, BUT where in the US can you make $130K a year?  That is the point.


Agreed.. and besides working 12 hours a day what else are you going to do?

I have done these deployments in the past, and have wear marks in my keyboard from playing Duke Nukem 3D.


Michael L. Schwartz
Automation Engineer
Cal Lab Solutions
  Web -
Phone - 303.317.6670


IF you could work those hours you could make that. Also a lot lower chance of getting caught by a terrorist and getting your head sawed off in the US


You still looking for metrology techs?
The Center Will Not Hold


I see I may be a day late and adollar short here.  I have spent the last two years working in Afghanistan and have been out of contact for the last couple of months.  They have any new openings?
I am very experienced with RF, General, Physical and dimensional, avionics...
  I have an active clearance and am motivated.
The Center Will Not Hold


Agreed.. and besides working 12 hours a day what else are you going to do?

I have done these deployments in the past, and have wear marks in my keyboard from playing Duke Nukem 3D.


If something ever happened to my family I would go work over there. I figure about 3 years over there and I could make enough to never have to work again..



Why do I have a sudden urge to buy a Timex?


I'm not going to bother reading the evil SPAM, but I have a sudden urge to buy what ever the opposite of what they are selling is.

The following is honestly not spam.  It is just hilarious....

Long story short, I have been into buying cheap stuff from a Chinese website which for non-spam purposes I won't mention.  They have a really cool looking watch called the Tourbillon.  I searched on Amazon[dot]com for the same watch, and found it amazing that the exact same watch was for sale on there for a regular price of $145,000 (that's right).  It is on sale right now for about $87,000.  If you search on Tourbillon watch, you should see it.  Then if you go to that sellers list, there are a bunch of them.  What was even funnier were the reviews.  Go and read the reviews people wrote.  They are unbelievably creative.  I suppose this thread should move to the off topic area.  So any further posts I will make there.
"I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind."
Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)
from lecture to the Institute of Civil Engineers, 3 May 1883


Me personally...I think an imminent alien invasion is being planned and played out right before our eyes. I think every third or fourth word actually mean something. It's pretty funny how they're using PMEL forum to plan an invasion. Or it might be just a bunch of jibberish.  :-D


Sounds like it's time to buy a watch Major.  

Candy Brown

Can women apply or would I have to wear a burkah and only leave the lab if a family male is with me?


Sorry it's been so long since I have replied here, trying to get things sorted.  The local contractor that was supposed to hire the 4 technicians dropped the ball, and it appears they won't being doing any hiring at this time.  The military is trying to get the slots added into follow-on contracts with the more reputable established defense contractors, but I'm not holding my breath on that either.  Again, I'm sorry for the bad news.

On the other hand, it's been entertaining reading the other comments.  First of all, Saudi Arabia is not Afghanistan or Iraq.  We "work" from 7:15AM to 2:15PM 5 days a week.  We have cars, our families live here and kids go to school here.  We go diving in the Red Sea, and go shopping at beautiful malls by anyone's standard.  Plenty to keep you busy for awhile.

The down side...driving sucks, no pork, and the alcohol will ruin your liver! Sorry, but women aren't allowed to work at the base either.  They have women nurses at the hospital, and some grocery stores are actually hiring women as cashiers (guys aren't allowed to go through their line, only women!) Western women wear abaya's, not a burkah or the face covering. 

Starting salary over here is usually around 60-70K a year.  Add in bonuses, hazard and hardship pay and anything else your company may throw in to raise your salary, and the pay quickly goes over 100k.  Not as much money as the "hot" spots, but we don't have the threat levels that they have there.

Not a bad place to work.  It's what you make of it.


How long have you been over there Mike?