Cabling for Fluke 732A/B, etc.

Started by Hawaii596, 05-18-2011 -- 15:20:22

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Definetely check the switch first. It's almost certain to be your problem. Try another channel if you have to. You can write a routine to exercise those switches that may clear up your problem.


I did stop the program and tried manually exercising the switch.  It was weird that it happened at exactly the reading set after I changed some connections.  I didn't touch the HI or LO connections at all on any cell.  I just un-jumpered GUARD from chassis ground on all of the DC standards.  I did some repetitive opens/closes on that switch while monitoring the 3458A uV reading.  And it stayed consistent and relatively stable.  What I might do is manually measure through resistance through those contacts end-to-end on each cable and see if there is a significant difference on that one.  And I think its noteworthy that it is 10 VDC potential on each line.  So it is 10VDC versus 10VDC in the 100 mVDC range.  I had a nice normal drift curve in my relative readings (on an Excel chart).  And I am plotting all of the readings.  That one delta made an instantaneous shift down at that time point and continued it's normal drift curve.  So it doesn't "LOOK" like a flaky switch contact.  But as a long time technician, yes, I need to prove that one way or the other.  Actually, the HP 3488A switch matrix uses a modular card.  The interface with the wires connected to is (with screw down contacts) is one piece, and that plugs into the main card (which has all the relays).  Maybe I could try screwing down all the contacts, reseating the card, then if I have another of that model card (which I think I do), I could try swapping out the card.  That should give me some pretty good probability of answering it.

Thanks for the input.
"I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind."
Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)
from lecture to the Institute of Civil Engineers, 3 May 1883


I'm not too sure if using the HP 3488A is your best option. The Guildline low thermal quad scanners (6664 series) are generally the best devices for these types of measurements.


I know it isn't the best hardware "yet."  I'd like to get a Dataproof, which I'm told is also very good.  This has been a shoestring budget project.  Maybe when it is all done I'll post some details.  I have primary resistance (Guildline 9975, Thomas 1 Ohm, SR104 10K, high current module and various adapters), AC voltst (Fluke 792A with all the trimmings - shunts, etc.; not to mention a 540B that I may use as a secondary along with some other Datron hardware), and of course my nine bank DC referenc set that I hope to eventually bring down to sub ppm uncertainty).  I got a nice  hand-me-down copper mesh screen room and line filters.  But for now, still getting up and running.  As far as the 3488A goes, I think it may be a factor of which model card, and what kind of shape the card is in.  I have a stack of spare cards that are not all the same model.  I may shop through them and see the low thermal specs, and possibly even buy a used lower thermal emf card (for now).  But I do agree, the lower the thermals, the better.  So far, by using moving average, I have about 20 readings per day per cell, and over about 10 days or so, I have been tracking to around 0.1 ppm predictability.  I am seeing a little daily shifting late in the afternoon (which I attribute to Texas heat).  So we are shopping for a Liebert box to put in there, and eventually we will add an airlock to control RH as well.  So, as I said, it is still in project phase.

But good input on the low thermal scanner.  I'm not particularly familiar with the Guildline.  I am assuming it is similar to the Dataproof 160B.  Back to it.  I have some Baratrons to calibrate and "real" work, before I can go back to my project.  Lots of cool projects; just not enough time to get them all done.  Thanks for the inputs.

P.S. - For all readers.  Still soliciting resumes for our position.  We really need someone to take over this project (if I may put in a shameless plug); along with good broad DC/LF and RF/Microwave cal skills.
"I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind."
Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)
from lecture to the Institute of Civil Engineers, 3 May 1883


For low thermal wire and accessories for precision resistance, voltage or thermometry measurements check out:
JW Solutions
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