Metrology and the people who do not know what that means

Started by USMCPMEL, 07-12-2011 -- 17:02:44

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I was leaving work today and some lady asked me what I did (at the store) and I told her I was a metrologist she said really what TV station are you on you don't look familiar... CAN I PLEASE JUST SLAP ONE OF THEM PRETTY PLEASE...


Yes yes you can and give them one for me. What I hate is when people call me a IT guy yes I can work on computers, yes I have a degree in them BUT I AM NOT IT.   
Hey Nani Nani Cho Cho Cho, Hey Nani Nani Cho!


My favorite misnomer was when someone at a former employer informed me that she just figured out that I did NOT work in a "cow" lab.  She heard cal lab over the couple of years there and always had thought it was "cow lab."
"I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind."
Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)
from lecture to the Institute of Civil Engineers, 3 May 1883


When I was stationed at Ft Lewis, we went to the field with the unit of attachment, on the radios referred to each other as CAL 1, CAL 2, CAL 3 and so on.  We heard the Maintenance Support Battalion ask later on, who were all those Cow's in the field on the radio, what was that all about.  A coworker and I just busted up.


I never heard that before but I guess if you did not know the word and you were not paying much attention it would sound like cow lab Can I get governement farm subsidies since I work in a cow lab??

skidaddle skaduski

What is a "metrologist", anyways?  I think what makes me more upset is when "calibration technicians"  who work in the field of "metrology" are self proclaimed "metrologist". 

I think people just throw that word out their because it sounds cooler than cal tech, or cal lab manager... no, Iiiii'mmm a Metrologissssssssst.  There you go, let it roll off your tongue. lol

It's like a nurse calling himself a doctor, or a paralegal calling themselves a lawyer.  Or a janitor calling themselves a custodial technician, or a bench tech calling themselves an engineer.  I think I've painted my picture.

But, truth be told, this is why, now a days we don't have just plain old secretairs, o no brother, we have........ * drum rolls *  Administrative Assistance Personel.  lol, somebody shoot me in the face now, please.


When I started my CS career in the Mid-west we did alot of TDYs. We obtained the Bi-Centenial Champion Motorhome the AF used out of Newark AFB. It was originally AF Blue with a big honkin AGMC logo on the side. We stopped for lunch somewhere and in the booth behind us were 2 little ladies having lunch. They got looking at the coach and read the logo and of course when they got to Metrology started talking about how the weather service must be in town investigating something!
Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: Prov.22:24


There are only 10 types of people in this world.  Those who understand binary, and those who don't.   :wink:


Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: Prov.22:24


Be using the word "Metrologist" instead of "Cal Tech"...I earned a raise of over $4 an hour in just one company survey to align appropriately peoples skills and pay.  Did I tell them "No...I am just a calibration technician" Nothing changed but the money I make.  My little room (laboratory) is even labeled proudly as Metrology on the door. The company loves telling all of the visitors "We have our own In-House Metrologist" just flows so well off their tongues!!! I was actually a Meteorologist when they hired mistake...I thought that was what the job was for...a weatherman...but after they stuck me in this little room all by myself...I finally figured it out and am doing quite well now as a Metrologist. Now days when people ask me what I do...I just say "Google it and spell it right" will see.


Metrologists perform metrology work involving precision measurement and comparison of physical quantities such as mass, length, time, force, speed, voltage and current. They calibrate precision equipment which measures these physical units.  Sounds like what we do, the other people who figure out how many electrons will escape a chamber at .1 deg K are called scientists.


Try looking on the job boards under "metrology" and see what comes up. It's quite enlightning.

Metrology is also a term used in the semiconductor industry....


Quote from: Hoopty on 07-15-2011 -- 21:59:30
AGMC. haven't heard that one in a while...

Yeah, I remember when it was Newark AFS, prior to becoming Newark AFB...


What does AGMC stand for? A group of monkeys calibrating???

PMEL Whore

Old guys all know AGMC = Aerospace Guidance and Metrology Center.  It was before we had AFPSL and AFMETCAL.
I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.