
Started by PMEL, 07-14-2011 -- 05:21:28

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I'm I giving to simplistic examples?  

2 (66.7%)
1 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 3


So, is this PMEL in hiding or what? Where the hell did he come from?


Hey, you guys wanna know what kind of posts I'm sick of wading through?  The ones bashing a legitimate user for posting legitimate PMEL related stuff on a PMEL related forum.  Also, the ones harassing other users of the same forum for having an interest in those same topics. 

Guys, really?  Please stop with the attacks on someone actually posting something of use to the community.  Just because you may not be interested in it doesn't give you the right to lambast a person for their posts.  And actually, PMEL had it right, there are tools to help you to avoid/ignore posts that do not pertain to you.  You truly don't have to read them if you don't like it.  I'm here every day and I don't read every single post...  I mean, hell, I ignore lots of you guys.  I just do it quietly.  I don't have to call you out or anything.  Plus I can't imagine that PMEL Forum is sooo big that you're gonna miss something due to some extra polls or whatever.  Geez.

Lastly, and not that I have to explain myself, but I made PMEL moderator of the Software forum.  He's run a forum before, works with automation software, and asked to contribute.  I don't get too many offers to help out around here, so I took him up on it.  And truthfully, I don't have any problems with what he was doing.  There was nothing factually wrong with the content and it was pertinent. 

If you have any problems with it from here on out, take it up with me.


There are only 10 types of people in this world.  Those who understand binary, and those who don't.   :wink:


Thanks for the posting Hoopty.

Number 1 you are completely correct, it's your domain name and you can pretty well do with it what you want. And I for one, really appreciate all the time, effort and money you continue to put into keeping this place up so those of us with similar interests can toss ideas back and forth.

That being said, maybe in hindsight a short posting of introduction from you introducing PMEL and that he would be moderating some threads pertaining to automation would have been in order. As it was, we just started getting multiple postings from a "new guy" that all of a sudden had moderator status. I think most of us looked at that and wondered "Who the hell is that?".

At MRIGlobal the calibrations we do are not automation friendly calibrations, so multiple daily lessons in Metcal or Surecal syntax are pretty much useless to me. I can't speak for others, but I would guess that very few of your users are actually allowed to write/modify automation software. I'm betting that there are one, maybe two, people with advanced computer skills at a company that have the passwords and computer access to change the software routines.

So maybe a way to slow the lessons down and target them to a receptive audience can be found.

I know one of the things about PMEL that rubbed my fur the wrong way was when he changed his handle to PMEL. To me that is arrogance, one person does not make a PMEL. And to pick that handle is almost as if he's attempting to elevate himself over all with his importance. But each to his own....


I am really not interested in ANYTHING PMEL has to say.It is very evident he is a ROOKIE, so I have hit the Ignore and I hope he does the same with me.
Hoopty is correct!! He can run the forum any way he wants, but I don't think giving him Moderator status was the best thing. There are a lot of experienced people on PMEL Forum. This was just too Naive!!


Quote from: RFCAL on 07-17-2011 -- 11:18:09
I am really not interested in ANYTHING PMEL has to say.It is very evident he is a ROOKIE, so I have hit the Ignore and I hope he does the same with me.
Hoopty is correct!! He can run the forum any way he wants, but I don't think giving him Moderator status was the best thing. There are a lot of experienced people on PMEL Forum. This was just too Naive!!


It is absolutely fine if you are not interested in some of the posts here at PMEL Forum.  But, that doesn't give anyone the right to behave as rudely as they were in this instance. 

It's gonna happen... I've never expected anyone to be interested in every post.  And that's why there are separate boards on the forum, and why the boards are split up into topics, and why each topic has a subject.  So users can sort out those topics that are of interest and those that are not.  One could just as easily have skipped the offending posts, or hit ignore on the user, or whatever... all of which can be done quietly and without being a jerk about things.

That's all I'm saying.  No need to get nasty on someone trying to help out.

And what exactly was so "Naive" about this?  I already explained that I made my decision based on several facts, thereby negating any naivety on my part.  Plus, being a moderator doesn't really have much in the way of perks.  Any regular user can do what PMEL was doing.  So, I'm not real sure what the outrage over this "moderator status" is. 
There are only 10 types of people in this world.  Those who understand binary, and those who don't.   :wink:



Thanks for posting. Sorry, but I believe that nothing I stated was over the line. If you disagree, then for disagreeing, I am sorry. Also, if you did indeed turn on the ignore function, thanks. If it was already on and I just missed it, then for that, I am sorry.

Either way, thanks for keeping pmelforum up and going. This is indeed usually a great resource that I would hate to lose.

Have a good one.


I don't see what the problem is with PMEL. Not everyone on here is a subject matter expert in everything and he seems to just be helping. I direct a lot of newbie calibrators here so they might learn something, so even the basic stuff is a great help. Hell, it even helps me.
Like everything else on the net, tv, radio etc. If you don't like it, don't look at it.
If there are folks who know a lot more than PMEL (or anyone else), maybe those threads would be a good place to share their knowledge rather than bash(?)
Just sayin...
Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer


As someone who reads and posts.

Damn metrology people are to uptight.  Getting mad over a name and instead of discussing a post that may be wrong or right bashing people over it.

Very proffesional.  :-o

Hoopty its your sight your rules and as someone who moderates on other furums you will ALWAYS have people who complain about something you do.