
Started by PMEL, 07-14-2011 -- 05:21:28

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I'm I giving to simplistic examples?  

2 (66.7%)
1 (33.3%)

Total Members Voted: 3


There has to be a starting point. At the end everything will work together. Let me know what you think by posting of this thread please.   
Hey Nani Nani Cho Cho Cho, Hey Nani Nani Cho!


You know, I was going to hold my tongue, but I can't anymore. I don't know who you are and to be honest, I really do not care who you are nor who you "used to be". All I know is you "came out of no where" and now magically you have a moderator tag. You are spamming a new poll every other day (at least that is the trend you are starting), and your posts often make little sense, if not any sense at all.

I, for one, am sick and tired of having to go through the new threads, just to see that over half of them are incomprehensible ramblings about the most trivial thing, and from you. Take this one, what the hell are you talking about?

I come to PMEL forum almost daily to see if there is anyone out there that has posted a question or an issue that I might be able to help with. And if I need help, this is one of the places that I used to be able to rely on if I was striking out elsewhere. Now? Not so sure. Once I weed out your bull crap posts, I'm aggravated enough after weeding out your random nonsense to honestly not even care if someone posted something legitimate. I'm about to flush the toilet on this forum, primary cause, you.

The whole argument of "if you don't like what I am posting then don't read it" doesn't hold water either, unless of course, I can just ignore everything you say on this forum, which is where I am going right after I click Post on this....

PMEL Whore

Amen to that CalibratorJ!  Don't know where this guy came from but I wish he would go back and stop trying to impress us all with his "knowledge".  We're all pretty smart and don't need it.  It just clogs up the forum for people who have real issues they need help with.
I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.


Glad you guys chimed in.  I have been trying to hold my tongue cause I thought I was the only one fed up with this guy.  CalJ said it best, I've got nothing to add.


Well said CalibratorJ. I'm in your corner completely.


Whew, was starting to think I was the only one! I think RFCAL maybe, can't remember the user, will go check in a second, started to state something similar, but PMEL locked that thread......

Oh, and I can't find the ignore user button. I know the old layout had the darn thing, but I can't find it now.....


Can I get an AMEN?!!
Peace Ya'll


THANKS  CalibratorJ.........
I was wondering how this person became a moderator....I to would like for the daily poll and "garbage" post to go away


I couldn't care less about Metcal, Surecal, or any other programming examples that have been offered. If I need help with programming I have an IT staff for that. I've run into this before, though, where some individuals feel a need to offer marginal or downright useless information, thinking they'll "look smart".


I share the opinions of most people on this post. My main thing is I am confused as to where this guy came from and what he is actually trying to accomplish? Also how did he become a moderator? I keep waiting for his post where he tries to sell us shoes or purses or sunglasses...Hoopty where you at can you shed a little light on this?


I would almost rather read about Jimmy Choo shoes and Gaga Fur handbags..... at least those were semi entertaining....


Quote from: CalibratorJ on 07-14-2011 -- 06:44:11
Oh, and I can't find the ignore user button. I know the old layout had the darn thing, but I can't find it now.....

Maybe PMEL can help us find that in one of his unsolicited helpful postings.


Have you had enough PMEL? Hope you did--IGNORE!!


Sweet, we can IGNORE now! Right on!

Maybe we could all along, either way, I just figured out how to add users to my ignore list. Have to go to your account settings and actions. There is a dropdown for the ignore list......


Done!!  PMEL-no more!