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Knoxville Area

Started by HiTechDogg, 07-21-2011 -- 11:24:36

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Sorry...this is not a job posting...just an inquiry. Are there any labs in or around the Knoxville lab. I will be retiring from Wright-Patterson and am seeking something nearer my grandbabies. Thanxx for any input....

Have a Happy Air Force day.......

Ric Thomas
88th CG/CS Wright-Patterson AFB
Voice Systems Technician
Phone (937) 522-4268 DSN 672-4268


Closest lab I can think of would be Arnold AFB.
Hope it helps.

Summum ius summa iniuria.

The more law, the less justice.

Cicero, De Officiis, I, 33


How is it going Ric?

You could go to:
and search for A2LA accredited labs in TN

and use TN for the Search On-Line Directory criteria.

These will give you a listing of accredited labs in TN and you can see if any of those are close to where you want to relocate to.


How about a great jon in Nashville?


Thanxxx for all the input....but I think my search may have just been narrowed. We just received word that our early-out retirement with bonus has been nipped in the bud. Unfortunately for me that means I am not elegible for full retirement until Mar/2015. So the only move I can make until then will require me to stay within the federal service. Arnold would be perfect, but it seems as though you almost have to know someone there. I am extremely happy that I did post though, as I have been able to renew some old aquintances from the lab.   :-)
Have a Happy Air Force day.......

Ric Thomas
88th CG/CS Wright-Patterson AFB
Voice Systems Technician
Phone (937) 522-4268 DSN 672-4268


Quote from: HiTechDogg on 07-26-2011 -- 11:30:54
Thanxxx for all the input....but I think my search may have just been narrowed. We just received word that our early-out retirement with bonus has been nipped in the bud. Unfortunately for me that means I am not elegible for full retirement until Mar/2015. So the only move I can make until then will require me to stay within the federal service. Arnold would be perfect, but it seems as though you almost have to know someone there. I am extremely happy that I did post though, as I have been able to renew some old aquintances from the lab.   :-)

I'm currently employed at Arnold & I can tell you right now the employment situation at Arnold is rather bleak.
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