I heard President Obama this morning on the news talking about Whitney Houston

Started by USMCPMEL, 02-14-2012 -- 09:04:15

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He basically had released a statement saying he was concerned about Whitney Houston's daughter and that he was praying for her. Sent me through the roof when was the last time he even mentioned the troops that are still getting killed every day to protect our freedom? I bet thier children have a hard time dealing with thier parents deaths too and the troops kids do not have money sitting in a trust fund somewhere to support them.


where were you when we weren't even allowed to talk about dead troops or photograph their caskets coming home?  which president has visited more KIA troops families?  http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0811/60956.html  http://content.usatoday.com/communities/theoval/post/2011/12/obama-marks-formal-end-of-iraq-war-in-silence/1  yes, these soldiers deserve to be honored by their country and i am sure their families suffer when their loved ones are killed, but let's not use them as political pawns. 


Why don't you read the second line of the POST YOU PUT ON about the end of the Iraq war.


the fourth line,
"I just got back from a ceremony at Andrews Air Force Base where we received the flag and the colors that our troops fought under in Iraq," Obama said. "And I met with some of the last men and women to return home from that war. "
"And these Americans and all Americans who serve are the embodiment of courage and selflessness and patriotism," he added. "And when they fight together, and sometimes die together, they don't know and they certainly don't care who's a Democrat and who's a Republican and how somebody's doing in the polls and how this might play in the spin room. They work as a team, and they do their job, and they do it for something bigger than themselves."

i posted the whole story so no one could say i picked and chose what i wanted it to say.


HMMM did not read that far... Oh well guess we will have to agree to disagree I do not like the man and nothing anyone says to me is going to convince me otherwise. I have seen far to much evidence against him.


Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer


If he had left this part out:  "And when they fight together, and sometimes die together, they don't know and they certainly don't care who's a Democrat and who's a Republican and how somebody's doing in the polls and how this might play in the spin room.", it wouldn't have been just another campaign speech.
Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: Prov.22:24


Quote from: griff61 on 02-15-2012 -- 10:36:38
It's easy, if you ignore all evidence to the contrary...
I don't know if your agreeing with me or that other guy?


Quote from: USMCPMEL on 02-15-2012 -- 13:39:30
Quote from: griff61 on 02-15-2012 -- 10:36:38
It's easy, if you ignore all evidence to the contrary...
I don't know if your agreeing with me or that other guy?
I think that people choose to believe whatever fits their predetermined view, I do it too. While the current President has made some mistakes, I don't see where he has, in fact, been disrespectful of the troops or unpatriotic. I think most of the anger directed at him is smoke and mirrors, designed to distract the general public from the fact that Congress, in whatever form, has pretty much sold out the country. The purse strings are controlled by them, not whomever is sitting in the Oval Office.
The current (lack of) discourse in the country is just a slight of hand to keep the producers quarreling with each other while the oligarchy keeps beating the middle class into extinction.
But then again, that's just my opinion about how I perceive the events of the past months and years.
Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer


I do not have a predetermined view. I judge people on thier merit and track record. When someone makes promises to me I expect that person to keep them. Is guantanamo bay shut down yet... no. Are we still at war in Afghanistan.. yes we are. Can you dispute those 2 facts? No you can not.


i do not understand, "I do not like the man and nothing anyone says to me is going to convince me otherwise"  what if i told you he took all these families and donated all his pay to them?  got private companies to set up foundations for the kids?  nothing could convince you otherwise to me means there are different reasons.  while i dont agree with everything he has done, i could explain them all.  were he to change some things, my opinion would naturally change to more favorable or less favorable (or maybe change from dislike to like or vice versa.  i would like to know what he has done to be so contrary to your views.  keep it to things he can change because things like abortion have already worked their way through the SCOTUS.  the president tried to close gitmo, i can link some articles, and he never said he would be out of stan, he said the emphasis should be in stan and we should be out of Iraq, which we are. (can also link his campaign promises.) here is a good link on those stan promises  http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/obameter/subjects/afghanistan/ 


Done arguing with you. If he did more of what he promosed to do I would like him better. The only reason he ended operation in Iraq is because Iraq wanted to change the joint forces agreement and have the ability to prosecute americas military if they accidently hurt their citizens. Which I agree was a good decision to leave Iraq at that point. He has done some things recently that have somewhat changed my opinion of him so we will see going forward what he does.


Jimmy I am saying your not going to convince me based on your discussions with me. HE has to do something to make me change my opinion of him. We will see how history judges him as a president. If he did more of what he promosed to do I would like him better. The only reason he ended operations in Iraq is because Iraq wanted to change the joint forces agreement and have the ability to prosecute americas military if they accidently hurt their citizens. Which I agree was a good decision to leave Iraq at that point. He has done some things recently that have somewhat changed my opinion of him so we will see going forward what he does.


Quote from: USMCPMEL on 02-16-2012 -- 20:52:02
The only reason he ended operation in Iraq is because Iraq wanted to change the joint forces agreement and have the ability to prosecute americas military if they accidently hurt their citizens. Which I agree was a good decision to leave Iraq at that point.

the timeline to leave Iraq was negotiated by President G W Bush.  i understand your mind will not be changed, i just hate misinformation. 
"In 2008, the US and Iraqi government signed the U.S.–Iraq Status of Forces Agreement which implments that all US forces would withdraw from Iraqi cities by June 30, 2009 and that All US Forces would be mandated to withdraw from Iraqi territory by December 31, 2011 under the terms of a bilateral agreement. On December 14, 2008, then-U.S. President George W. Bush signed the security pact with Iraq. In his fourth and final trip to Iraq, the president appeared with Iraq's prime minister Nouri al-Maliki and said more work is to be done. 


What misinformation??? You just confirmed what I said. The agreement ended they pulled out. Thank you for confirming what I said.