The Best Cal software?

Started by LabSuper, 02-14-2012 -- 10:51:34

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Who likes there Cal software and what do you have....
im needing something for the lab/business right now met/cal doesnt work for everything else


are you talking about calibration tracking software or automated calibration procedures?


tracking/data entry software...

dont do any automated right now so like met/cal only does checklist and automate things but not really a full lab from shipping/receiving to QA to lab performance test...and run checklist etc off of it...


met/cal uses Met Track for the asset tracking--good stuff, but not as good as what I've seen from Cal Lab Solutions


MudCats Metrology Suite from Edison ESI in So. California works well and can be customized to your needs.....


Gage Insite from Indysoft[dot]com is a really versatile database.   MetCal and SureCal each have their pros and cons.
"I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind."
Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)
from lecture to the Institute of Civil Engineers, 3 May 1883


GageInsite is what I use.  Completely customizable in all aspects of a cal.  From shipping to cal to billing.



I am looking for off-the-shelf calibration management software that can provide my engineers with the ability to take it to our customer's sites, enter measurand data, and upload it to our mainframe at the end of the day. Certificates must include all data in an easily customizable format. It must automatically calculate measurement uncertainties and report them on the certificates. Also it must be web-accessible so our clients can find and download their calibration certificates, and/or we can email them in pdf format.


MudCats Metrology Suite from Edison ESI in So. California can do all of that.


Can you give me an idea what mudcats costs? What do thier certificates look like?


We've been using Edison ESI MudCats Metrology Suite for many years. It's is a really robust product. It has asset tracking, calibration data entry and standards tracking. It can also do invoicing. The Calibration Process Manger section allows for linking assorted document formats to the data sheet. You cal also attach photos to them. The certificates are generated via Crystal Reports allowing a lot of flexibility in fomatting. The majority of our work is done at customer sites. Our technicians enter data on their laptops using the remote part of the product and upload to the main system in the shop at the end of the day. A few of our technicians are out of the area and they use VPN to access the main system.
David Levy
Technical Writer
RS Calibration Services, Inc.
Pleasanton, CA


Fluke Calibration is going to release a browser-based calibration asset management software later this year. It will interface with MET/CAL, and will offer powerful features like email automation, remote calibration, work flow (receiving to shipping), billing/quoting/contract management, and customizable fields. Like MET/TRACK, it will use Crystal reports for customized certificate generation. There will be a web portal module for the lab's clients to view and download their calibration certificates.


Hey folks,
I would like to offer my opinion on this one. FYI I am a ISO-17025 Assessor with well over 500+ laboratories assessed. I am not tooting my own horn, but just letting you know, I have seen most of the COTS and in-house generated cal software packages out there. IMHO Edison's MUDCATS LIMS is almost untouchable. Where does this really count? Well to me at the bench level with the technician. Asking a technician to perform a calibration and determine if the selected standard is accurate enough? Whether they are using TAR, TUR or just reporting calculated uncertainty, it's a cinch. To me this is an invaluable tool for the technicians. Anybody realize yet just how much equipment will not meet the 4:1 TUR? Try a Fluke 5500 (absolute specs) versus a Fluke 87 V. It's not pretty, but this software can definitely be an eye opener. On another note that I am sure that most of you know, there is no software out there that can do all, especially if you work in a commercial lab.
With Mudcats, I would like to point out a couple cons as well.
I am not too crazy about how the Make/Model database is handling items that are not typically electronic. Is 1/4-20UNC-3A a model for a thread set plug? Nah, it's the designation. What's the model for a made in china gauge block set? I complain, because the database is seriously attached to these fields.
For those labs that utilize multi-tiered pricing, this is a little short-coming. Basically there is none. You can set a make/model up for charge by the hour or use a flat rate. To utilize the program for multi-tiered pricing we just add a prefix to the model number. It may seem a little cumbersome, but it works.
Not trying to sound too negative.
Overall, I feel that Edison has a real winner here and is the diamond in the rough. It really helped in getting Z540.3 accredited with guard-banding. I do feel that Edison could use a real boost for their marketing department to get this software more of a household (laboratory) name. They have a great product that can only be improved on from customer feedback.
I hope this helps. Drop me an email if you would like more feedback.

Brent Snoddy
Metrology Manager
Cal Lab Co., Inc.
South Holland, IL 


Yes.. I have to agree..
There are a couple of limitations to MUDCATS, but from your requirements it sounds like a very good fit..

Southern California Edison does not have a Web Interface for MUDCATS.  But we (Cal Lab Solutions) and SanSuBe have web add ons to the product.

We also have a large library of datasheets and fully automated solutions for MUDCATS.

The only  are MUDCATS is a little weak in is High End RF and Microwave calibration.  But it more than make up for that with it's ability to crank out multi-meters and Physical Dimensional items in volume.  Measurement Uncertainties are much more robust.

Let me know if you have any questions.
If you will be at MSC, I will be there and so will the Edison People.


Michael L. Schwartz
Automation Engineer
Cal Lab Solutions
  Web -
Phone - 303.317.6670