Who is Skiddaddle??

Started by USMCPMEL, 08-31-2012 -- 09:02:34

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Almost seems like he is a scammer of some sort? He/she shows up out of no where, has terrible english, and is bashing people left and right. Anybody know who this person is?  Did some random outsider who really knows nothing about calibration jump onto our forum? I mean he talks a good game but skirts just outside of going into anything specific.


I noticed the same thing.


I am waiting for him to start selling us shoes or purses or some thing.


Quote from: USMCPMEL on 08-31-2012 -- 12:47:10
I am waiting for him to start selling us shoes or purses or some thing.

Probably a better career choice...
Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer

PMEL Whore

Wow, I thought I had issues!
I'll try being nicer if you'll try being smarter.


Well whoever he/she is worked at the ASPSL as a "writer" in the past, and I quote with misspellings:

"I do, because I used to work there, creating the TO's.  Let me know if you need any of those positions filled, becasue we all know that it's not an easy task and training is not cheap!!"

I've been here since 1996 and lots of folks came through these doors.  We/I (me and my mouse) have an idea who it may be, but I am not going to call this person out.   If they have some big boy pants, they will step forward.  If not, well, it just shows you why they aren't here anymore.

I'm not saying, I'm just saying         "because I used to work there"         Really...


Or at least an apology to all of us on here that use this as a place of ideas and knowledge...


I have had some people get on my case because I said something they did not like about their product.  But I also had someone at NCSL tell me they like my honest OPINIONS.

I like public forums, I think they are very good for companies to keep in touch with the community and their customers. when it us used correctly. But people have to stand behind what they say and their point of view.  If you set up an account a just rant, it doesn't do any good, because it will say pinger at first.  Then if all you do is rant,  people will soon have no trust you or your comments, and they will just stop reading your posts.   There are a few people, on here I have statused as "Ignored All Posts!"

On the other side, I read something on LinkedIn about starting your own company blog site, so you can control the online reputation of your company.  I also think this just as bad.  The whole point to blog site is to connect your company with your customers.  If you suppress every slightly negative comment, People will soon realize it and stop using the blog site.  It only takes one deleted post for customers to loose confidence in the site. (There are some blog sites I don't visit for this reason as well.)


I stand behind everything I write.
Michael L. Schwartz
Automation Engineer
Cal Lab Solutions
  Web -  http://www.callabsolutions.com
Phone - 303.317.6670


How about reporting a user to a moderator if you feel they are being a troll and counter productive to this board before we create threads to question or bash a specific user?

skidaddle skaduski

Did I hurt problems feelings?  Funny how I get a nasty gram for personal attacks for simply pointing out stupidity and now there's an entire tread dedicated to personal attacks against me.
No I never worked there as a kpro writer, but have been in the building.
SMC, I reget staying this by making you look incompetent on the GIDEP thread even if what I said was true   
You asked who I was?  Obviously I'm the CALGod like your already said.  In reality you are the one playing cal god by using GIDEP procedures for commercial work and if you all want to get angry with me for getting a bad tone for pointing out bad practices that could place human lives in danger than so be it.


Quote from: skidaddle skaduski on 09-05-2012 -- 10:53:06
In reality you are the one playing cal god by using GIDEP procedures for commercial work and if you all want to get angry with me for getting a bad tone for pointing out bad practices that could place human lives in danger than so be it.

Explain to me how letting my customer know what GIDEP procedure I use, as it is stated on the cert, is an issue.  As a a PMEL Tech it annoys me when people in my field think they are the know all.  You have to do  it this way or have to do that way or it isnt correct...blah blah.  Last time I checked its the customers responsibility to ensure there equipment is calibrated in accordance to THERE needs not mine.  The only bad practice is a customer who doesnt pay attention to there certs and actually review them for content.  But thats society today.  Its someone elses responsibility to make sure things are done in accordance to how I want it done not mine.

imho of course.


There are some inconsistencies in this thread and the Calibration Procedures (T.O.s) thread.....Just saying 

:-D  Wait...I want some hair  :mrgreen:  I want Hair and horns...damn it!   :evil:

It's all good... seriously... smile, enjoy the fact you have integrity, which goes for everyone here.  Each of us has a point of view.  We may not all agree, we can even go as far as agreeing to disagree. 

You seem to have your head on your shoulders pretty straight and seem to know what you're talking about in your previous posts, before this past Friday...

I personally do not have a problem with you... we all need to watch out tact when it comes to other people and respecting our PMEL brother/sisterhood.  This is a tight knit (or nut) group of people.  We all came up thru the PMEL ranks in out own respective path...  Hope you have a great day... even an awesome day.  So long as the Beer is flowing...


Not sure how much of that was directed at me. Sorry If I offended anyone as that was not my intention.


And like Mike, I use my real name here instead of hiding behind the veil of anonymity.

Quote from: CalLabSolutions on 09-04-2012 -- 09:33:49
I stand behind everything I write.


Quote from: ck454ss on 09-05-2012 -- 11:33:04
Quote from: skidaddle skaduski on 09-05-2012 -- 10:53:06
In reality you are the one playing cal god by using GIDEP procedures for commercial work and if you all want to get angry with me for getting a bad tone for pointing out bad practices that could place human lives in danger than so be it.

Explain to me how letting my customer know what GIDEP procedure I use, as it is stated on the cert, is an issue.  As a a PMEL Tech it annoys me when people in my field think they are the know all.  You have to do  it this way or have to do that way or it isnt correct...blah blah.  Last time I checked its the customers responsibility to ensure there equipment is calibrated in accordance to THERE needs not mine.  The only bad practice is a customer who doesnt pay attention to there certs and actually review them for content.  But thats society today.  Its someone elses responsibility to make sure things are done in accordance to how I want it done not mine.

Like Skiddaddle, I know for a fact that this year the Air Force was still removing entire sections of the manufacturers "warrented specification" because it was not needed for Air Force requirements.  (Look at some of the Tektronix DSO 70000 series oscilloscopes procedures.)  Unless you verify Table 1 of 33K-procedures to the manufacturers specifications, you do not know if you are meeting customer requirements.

ISO 17025 has an entire section on Procedures, and requires that the calibration laboratory contacts the customer to ensure that the calibrations meet the customer requirements.  Many times the customer does not have access to the GIDEP procedures and have no clue as to what specifications they are getting certified.  The customer purchased the equipment based on those specific manufacturers specifications and expect a full calibration based upon those fully procured, warrented manufacturers' specifications.  It is not the customers responsibility to ensure that the procedure YOU use is correct.  It is OUR responsibility as calibration technicians to verify that the customer needs are completely met before we slap a sticker on the equipment.

Skiddaddle, though you may lack some tact on your approach, keep the technicians on their toes and help us ensure that the work is getting done right no matter which laboratory they are currently employed.
"Surely it is the better part of thought that relies on measurement and calculation."  Plato, The Republic