East Coast

Started by CalLabSolutions, 10-29-2012 -- 20:27:14

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To all my calibration buddies on the East Coast...
I was just wathing the news.. It looks like it is a mess back there..  God Bless.

Michael L. Schwartz
Automation Engineer
Cal Lab Solutions
  Web -  http://www.callabsolutions.com
Phone - 303.317.6670


I heard they were going to man the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier through out the hurricane. 

I had an NCO who did a tour with the Old Guard.. Now I have even more respect for them.

Michael L. Schwartz
Automation Engineer
Cal Lab Solutions
  Web -  http://www.callabsolutions.com
Phone - 303.317.6670


ditto on the tomb


I am in NJ, yes still pretty bad around here, some people haven't got power for 10 days and counting, plus tonight is going to be around 32 degrees or lower. now is better but the first few days only a few gas stations had power and the lines were pretty long. for people with generator mean a 4 hour wait to get fuel. some houses have water wells which need pumps to get the water. Lets pray for the people with no heat, water or electricity.  I was lucky, my power came back on on the next day


I have family in West Virginia and they got hammered with the snow. 3 Feet in some places alot of kids still are not back in school my friend had to take a week off work cause she could not get in. Trees and power poles are busted off everywhere.