Connect an old TV to new DVD player.

Started by USMCPMEL, 09-16-2013 -- 23:26:15

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Ok so my friend has no cash and I think there is a way to do av cables to co ax but I have looked and can not figure it out? Any one know the solution?? Or do we all make too much money to worry about this??? I figured we are all kind of techno geeks so maybe someone would know.


Is something like this what you are looking for?

Or try to find an old VCR that has an AV input with a coax output....


Martin that's what he is looking for, they need to connect the RED, WHITE and Yellow output connectors from the DVD to the RF (antena in on the TV)
My suggestion is to go to you can pick up newer tvs for free or very cheap, less than $20


Thanks Martin I believe that is exactly what I am looking for. I will watch craigslist spanishfly.