Gvt Shutdown/ Debt Ceiling - Your thoughts?

Started by CalibratorJ, 10-02-2013 -- 16:54:10

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I've been in calibration for 15 or so years, 10 of those were active duty, last 5 civil service. I couldn't help but notice that no one (at least where I work/worked) seemed worried when they handed out furlough notices and sent us all home. And to make it worse, even if this ends tomorrow, we get to go through it all again on the 17th.

I've never actually been through a gvt shutdown. Maybe some of you guys out there could shed some light on the 95/96 shutdowns?

Really starting to think about moving on and out of the gvt, but man, that's a lot to give up.......

Thoughts? (And I don't want to hear about the politics of the shutdown, only about the effects on our careers......and wallet.)


The last time the government shut down like this, the Speaker having the tantrum was Newt Gingrich and he didn't like the Democrat President either.
It didn't seem to matter that we were deployed everywhere or running out of parts, it was more important that one political party won and the other lose. As a soldier, our pay was held until after the deal was done back then.
Same thing here, even the party of the Speaker (probably even some of the same players), except the stakes are higher, the demands are dumber and I'm a civilian now. This Congress is not going to pass anything to give us back pay while we're off, I don't think.
Kind of a stupid way to run a country.
Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer


Quote from: griff61 on 10-02-2013 -- 21:54:30
This Congress is not going to pass anything to give us back pay while we're off, I don't think.

That's what I am worried about. And if we think they are running the country, then we are the idiots. Just saying.


Quote from: CalibratorJ on 10-02-2013 -- 22:06:16
That's what I am worried about. And if we think they are running the country, then we are the idiots. Just saying.

You won't get any argument from me on that one. I'm hoping everyone remembers this in November next year.
Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer


Govt civil service work has incredible benefits and a decent work environment.  Matched TSP, no hassle sick leave and generous vacation and holiday time.  Almost ironclad that you can't be fired either, and great support services, plus 3 hours PT time most places.  If I had a govt civil service job I would never consider giving it up.

USMC kalibrater

I think the fact that Washington cannot setup and control a balanced budget is an globally embarassing. 
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." -General James Mattis


I had heard somewhere that the government employees would get back pay that were "laid off" anyone know if that true??


Quote from: Velasco on 10-03-2013 -- 02:01:27
If I had a govt civil service job I would never consider giving it up.

Tell that to everyone I owe money to once we start not getting paid. Well, I have a job, they just aren't paying me, or letting me go to work......


Quote from: USMCPMEL on 10-03-2013 -- 11:24:22
I had heard somewhere that the government employees would get back pay that were "laid off" anyone know if that true??

In the past, they got back pay, but only because Congress allowed it. These morons can't pass a budget, you think we are going to get back pay? The common thought amongst those I work with is if this lasts just a week, we might. But, if it goes on any longer, the chances are slim of getting any back pay. I don't know about you guys, but I can't take having no income for very long, especially considering we just took a 20% paycut for 6 weeks. We're still recovering from that......


Backpay....for not working?  That does sound like the government.


I've lived down here in Australia since 1980 except for a few overseas contracts....Sorry to hear the US calibration community is suffering from this ineptitude.  We had a similar issue before my time in the 70's here but it was sorted fairly quickly - the government at the time was kicked out by London's representative here....and we went into caretaker mode until a new government was elected shortly after.  Problem solved.
Sadly you'll have no such luck....you're stuck with many Republicans who couldn't give a damn about the health of millions of Americans....and would rather destroy the economy than show some humanity to their own citizens.  It's shameful, spend trillions on dead-end wars - but to hell with American quality of life.  If this goes on beyond Oct 17...than America is quickly in serious economic decline....and the rest of the world is hurting.  Not to mention, what happens to calibration - when no one can pay for it....It will deteriorate quickly if American debt is defaulted.
I think a few million patriots should march to DC.....actually tar and feather those Congressional Republicans who treat Americans with such contempt....and put them on a display train to travel the country and get the tomatoes and stones they deserve.  Without a congress that can act (since the selfish ragbags are getting their punitive train-ride) - I believe the President can invoke emergency powers to rectify this until new elections are held.


Quote from: clacoste on 10-04-2013 -- 06:12:00
I've lived down here in Australia since 1980 except for a few overseas contracts....Sorry to hear the US calibration community is suffering from this ineptitude.  We had a similar issue before my time in the 70's here but it was sorted fairly quickly - the government at the time was kicked out by London's representative here....and we went into caretaker mode until a new government was elected shortly after.  Problem solved.
Sadly you'll have no such luck....you're stuck with many Republicans who couldn't give a damn about the health of millions of Americans....and would rather destroy the economy than show some humanity to their own citizens.  It's shameful, spend trillions on dead-end wars - but to hell with American quality of life.  If this goes on beyond Oct 17...than America is quickly in serious economic decline....and the rest of the world is hurting.  Not to mention, what happens to calibration - when no one can pay for it....It will deteriorate quickly if American debt is defaulted.
I think a few million patriots should march to DC.....actually tar and feather those Congressional Republicans who treat Americans with such contempt....and put them on a display train to travel the country and get the tomatoes and stones they deserve.  Without a congress that can act (since the selfish ragbags are getting their punitive train-ride) - I believe the President can invoke emergency powers to rectify this until new elections are held.

That is easy for you to say now isn't it? The president and Obamacare is the problem not the republicans. Why would I want Obamacare and pay more money for less coverage? Maybe that makes since in the southern hemisphere of the globe, but not here.
See I am a grown man. I do not need the government's help in my healthcare. I am also tired of paying for slackers and deadbeats in the country. Obamacare is for the weakminded fools that do not have the brain capacity to make easy decisions for themselves. That is the exact people that support the Obamacare disaster.
You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume.Leviticus 19:35


I don't really want to get into a political debate (I try to stay out of them).  But to further express the sentiment of what I believe is the majority of Americans - We don't want Obamacare, we don't need Obamacare, the majority of us recognize that Obamacare is far worse than the excellent (not perfect - but one of the best in the world) medical care system that we alreadyhad, and we are all I believe rightly afraid that it will bankrupt the country.  It is called the Affordable Care Act, yet prices will go up for everyone.  It is illedgedly designed to provide available medical care for those who otherwise can't afford it.  Yet it essentially does the opposite.  Most of those without medical care will still be without medical care.  I still remember when this 2000 plus page act was written, and Democrats were instructed not to read it, just vote for it.  Those of us who truly care about our fellow countrymen and women want it to go away.  It will be a disaster if it stays in force for years to come.  When our own president says that there will be no negotiation... that is a big problem.  He doesn't want to negotiate.  I had better stop there.  There are many on both sides of the political aisle who would like to re-visit how we decide to send our troops into foreign issues or not.  That is its own issue, which bears a separate discussion.  I got all of that off my chest.  I don't plan to get further involved in this debate.  No replies by me planned in this topic.
"I often say that when you can measure what you are speaking about, and express it in numbers, you know something about it; but when you cannot measure it, when you cannot express it in numbers, your knowledge is of a meagre and unsatisfactory kind."
Lord Kelvin (1824-1907)
from lecture to the Institute of Civil Engineers, 3 May 1883


The fault belongs to both sides--re-call them all including Obama!! Obamacare? I do not want to have ANYTHING to do with that name attached to it! They are acting like 2 kids fighting over the same thing!!


Yes, it must be Obamacare. Not the fact that Congress hasn't passed a budget in what, five years? Certainly not Sequestration.
Definitely not that the House keeps sending up CRs that they know won't go anywhere.
Couldn't possibly be that Congress can't manage to appoint members to the conference committee to finalize the budget resolutions they passed 6 months ago.
It is definitely Obamacare

Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer