Gvt Shutdown/ Debt Ceiling - Your thoughts?

Started by CalibratorJ, 10-02-2013 -- 16:54:10

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Let me interject with a quote from Homor Simpson
Please, please kids! Stop fighting. Maybe Lisa's right about America being the land of opportunity, and maybe Adil has a point about the machinery of capitalism being oiled with the blood of the workers.

Nothing new here


Quote from: griff61 on 10-04-2013 -- 10:54:10
Yes, it must be Obamacare. Not the fact that Congress hasn't passed a budget in what, five years? Certainly not Sequestration.
Definitely not that the House keeps sending up CRs that they know won't go anywhere.
Couldn't possibly be that Congress can't manage to appoint members to the conference committee to finalize the budget resolutions they passed 6 months ago.
It is definitely Obamacare

LOL, your right. It's not about Obamacare. Even though the republicans are willing to sign off on a budget as long as it does not fund Obamacare. Your right it's not about Obamacare. Let me go to the internet and find some charts to post that are completely irrelevant also.
You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume.Leviticus 19:35


All I know is that the ACA was passed and shoved down our throats via partisan lines. A majority of the US does NOT  want the ACA. The lap-dog MSM can try to promote it all they want but never the less it's unconstitutional and an unmitigated disaster that will only get worse...just like everything else over the last 5 years!


Quote from: flew-da-coup on 10-04-2013 -- 12:06:39
LOL, your right. It's not about Obamacare. Even though the republicans are willing to sign off on a budget as long as it does not fund Obamacare. Your right it's not about Obamacare. Let me go to the internet and find some charts to post that are completely irrelevant also.

This comment made my day.  Im still LOLing at how true it this is.

Anyway here is my two bits and like others I wont get involved in a political bash but it is nice to read other peoples thoughts.

To the government shutdown...

While I feel all government employees pain I dont have any sympathy for you.  I heard of the unpaid time off etc.  Well I already have felt that pain and in a much worse scale.  While your time off is temporary and you will once again return to your job my time off aka layoff had no guarantee of a job once the economy picked up back in 2010/11.  Many of my friends didnt get to return to there job.  IMHO government workers are working for a company that is bankrupt.  In my company we would shut our doors and everyone would loose there jobs cause we dont have money.

Debt Ceiling.....

Raise it-Delay the inevitable and make it worse for future generations.
Dont Raise It-Feel the pain immediatly but work to bring spending under control and maybe, just maybe, my kid wont be completely F#cked when he gets my age.


Well..someone can get health insurance cheap through the exchange making say 15k a year but have a deductable of 7k for a family of 4.  So poor family has ACA insurance gets extremely ill and still cant afford to pay the deductable(annually lets not forget).  And thats different to having no insurance getting extremely ill and not be able to afford the medical bill?

Either way the "Poor" still looked screwed to me.


Quote from: flew-da-coup on 10-04-2013 -- 12:06:39
LOL, your right. It's not about Obamacare. Even though the republicans are willing to sign off on a budget as long as it does not fund Obamacare. Your right it's not about Obamacare. Let me go to the internet and find some charts to post that are completely irrelevant also.
Yes, the survey done by Kaiser health insurance company about the approval ratings of the ACA is completely irrelevant to a discussion of the approval ratings of the ACA. Obamacare is passed and implemented, the big launch happened the same day Congress shut down the government. So that plan worked really well. The GOP dropped the demand to defund the ACA. Maybe they could just vote on the clean CR and fund the government.
Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer


To assert that congress "shut down the government" is a laugh. Harry Reid and Obama wanted to shut down the government. They WANT as much pain as possible to score a political victory. Seriously....the government has spent far more money on barricades, extra guards, and police tape to close off national parks and monuments than it normally spends to keep them open. Tell me why it was necessary to close the WWII museum other than to try to score a politcal victory at the expense of 90 year old WWII veterans who will likely never have another chance to visit their memorial. One more action that shows how indifferent our current POTUS is to veterans.

The good thing is that unlike the 95/96 shutdowns the DNC is getting far more blame than it expected. Maybe all the demogoguery, false arguments, and lies are falling flat this time around. Obama and Reid's unwillingness to compromise on anything will not be forgotten anytime soon. Next November won't get here soon enough! 

BTW Griff...that poll is what you call a "push poll". It has no more validity than anything you have posted on the topic.


I'd say, that regardless of political orientation, there's enough blame to go around.  They're all a bunch of self-serving hacks... Vote 'em all out.
There are only 10 types of people in this world.  Those who understand binary, and those who don't.   :wink:


Quote from: Hoopty on 10-05-2013 -- 19:19:47
I'd say, that regardless of political orientation, there's enough blame to go around.  They're all a bunch of self-serving hacks... Vote 'em all out.
That would be the best result of all
Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer


It seems to me that if the President and Co. keep up the petty harassments they are adding to the shut down, that it will come bite them in the backside on the next election... I can see not only a roll back of a lot of the laws passed when the Dems had a Super Majority, but considering how ticked a lot people are about the little petty B/S. I can see Both the President AND Vice-President get impeached and convicted, especially if they can get to at least 55 Senators... Maybe the Legion, VFW, and other veterans groups need to jump in as poll watchers...
Douglas J. Baird, USN(ret),


I'm with Hoopty on this one.  VOTE them ALL OUT!
Be Kewl!!!!


I spoke with a friend at church yesterday that is off from the FAA. The DMV for airplanes is through Okie City. Right now there is 1.6 B$ worth of new inventory sitting on the tarmac waiting to be registered to fly, not to mention the used/re-sale planes. He also has about 12 pilots that will be coming up for their required check-ride that as of right now he won't be doing. When the flights start getting cancelled maybe it will get to the news agencies..Ha!
Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man thou shalt not go: Prov.22:24