Anybody else heard about this girl bashing the military??

Started by USMCPMEL, 10-07-2013 -- 17:56:21

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Here name is Meagan L May I will try to add an attachment with what she said. What a horrible human being.


Doesnt really surprise me.  We had people spitting on troops returning home in Vietnam and the sad part was they were draftees not volunteers.

Some people are just well....ignorant idiots.

I personally would like to see mandatory service time for all citizens of our country like in Isreal.  No one should be exempt from defending our freedom and rights.


most conuntries have a mandatory two year service with the army.

John Treekiller

Quote from: spanishfly25 on 10-08-2013 -- 13:58:15
most conuntries have a mandatory two year service with the army.
Most countries also have single payer mandatory healthcare.


'I personally would like to see mandatory service time for all citizens of our country like in Isreal.  No one should be exempt from defending our freedom and rights.'

'Most countries also have single payer mandatory healthcare.'

Strongly agree with both have a right to defend your country and your freedom.  And you have a right to healthcare when you are sick...

USMC kalibrater

Quote from: ck454ss on 10-08-2013 -- 05:30:26
I personally would like to see mandatory service time for all citizens of our country like in Isreal.  No one should be exempt from defending our freedom and rights.
Really?  Have you spoken to the general public lately?  Taken a minute and watched the general public?  No Thanks!
I like the volunteer system we have, it keeps the lazy inept masses at arms length.
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." -General James Mattis


Only if she was around when Hitler invaded Poland. She could have stop the entire holocaust with her diplomacy. Wait a minute Sir Nevile Henderson tried that for years and failed. Of course ignorant fools like her are stuck in Idealism and not Realism. Diplomacy only works with reasonable people. Look at the US war history, when did we ever go to war with someone who was reasonable?
  I just shake my head with people like her. Let her enjoy the freedom she has not earned and bash those who have sacrificed for her right to run her foolish mouth. People like her think that they have all the answers yet contribute nothing but endless hot air from their worthless mouths.
   BTW, she was fired from her job for her Facebook post. She now makes sandwiches at Subway. I knew when I read the post she was a minimum wage earner. I bet she is the smartest person she knows.
You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume.Leviticus 19:35


Spend ten years in the UK under the care of the NHS then tell me how great it is. Socialized single-payer healthcare sounds terrific until you get sick, or god forbid, get cancer.


Quote from: ZZ on 10-18-2013 -- 16:19:32
Spend ten years in the UK under the care of the NHS then tell me how great it is. Socialized single-payer healthcare sounds terrific until you get sick, or god forbid, get cancer.
Can't speak for Britain and the NHS, although the stats speak for themselves pretty much, but I grew up in Canada and it works just fine there and no one loses their life savings. What a crazy idea!
Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer


Way off the original subject but one of the people I know from Canada got cancer about 6 years back. he went to New York for treatment. He told me if he would have waited to get the treatment in Canada he would have died...


Quote from: USMCPMEL on 10-20-2013 -- 21:01:43
Way off the original subject but one of the people I know from Canada got cancer about 6 years back. he went to New York for treatment. He told me if he would have waited to get the treatment in Canada he would have died...
I lived there for over 23 years, knew a lot of folks with problems ranging from AIDS to cancer. Not one ever had to leave the country for treatment. I do know that if a treatment is not available in Canada, Medicare even covered the travel. My experience with all kinds of accidents, surgeries and treatments in my own family never required leaving our area. My brother managed to electrocute himself painting a farmhouse in BFE Ontario and they flew his dumb ass all the way to Toronto (about a 350 mile trip) for burn treatment. A good friend of mine is have neurosurgery by one of the to 10 surgeons in North America next month in her local hospital.
A pretty good system in my experience.
Sarcasm - Just one more service I offer

USMC kalibrater

... My brother managed to electrocute himself painting a farmhouse in BFE Ontario and they flew his dumb ass all the way to Toronto (about a 350 mile trip) for burn treatment.

LMFAO...spoken just like a brother.
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." -General James Mattis


I do not need the government to control or provide my healthcare. I'm a big boy and can do that for myself. The idea that the Government can fix or operate anything with any efficiency is foolish and naive.
You shall do no injustice in judgment, in measurement of length, weight, or volume.Leviticus 19:35


QuoteI do not need the government to control or provide my healthcare. I'm a big boy and can do that for myself. The idea that the Government can fix or operate anything with any efficiency is foolish and naive.
I think bashing government workers is just as foolish and naive as bashing active duty or Military veterans. I personally know a lot of people who work for the government, my wife included, who are hard-working, dedicated professionals. They care deeply about their mission and helping others, and work hard, long hours to innovate and provide services efficiently. You sound a lot like Meagan May when you spout dribble like that. And by the way, I'm glad to hear you opted out of your employer-provided health insurance and decided to "do that for myself". I'm sure that individual policy is working out good for you.

USMC kalibrater

Quote from: metrologygeek on 10-21-2013 -- 08:19:19
QuoteI do not need the government to control or provide my healthcare. I'm a big boy and can do that for myself. The idea that the Government can fix or operate anything with any efficiency is foolish and naive.
I think bashing government workers is just as foolish and naive as bashing active duty or Military veterans. I personally know a lot of people who work for the government, my wife included, who are hard-working, dedicated professionals. They care deeply about their mission and helping others, and work hard, long hours to innovate and provide services efficiently. You sound a lot like Meagan May when you spout dribble like that. And by the way, I'm glad to hear you opted out of your employer-provided health insurance and decided to "do that for myself". I'm sure that individual policy is working out good for you.

I dont see where anyone is bashing individual government workers, just the government in general.  I have family who are government employees and they work hard but even they will tell you the the process in which our government does most things is very wasteful.
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." -General James Mattis