Agilent TME7800 Software Licenses

Started by Talbot_ESI, 12-19-2013 -- 15:56:27

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I'm sure everyone is familiar with the licenses for the alignment software used on todays newish agilent units; know now that the licenses will no longer be sold to commercial labs. The owners of the equipment MAY be able to get an exemption and aquire the license for you. What is YOUR plan of action ?



We have been informing our customers and hopefully they will be able to purchase them and pass them on for us too use we also bought as many as we can purchase from Agilent. Hopefully they will go back to selling them again as it is a new service manager in charge and maybe with enough push by us they will revert back to selling them again.


Don't bet on it, Agilent is getting more restrictive every day.


USMC kalibrater

"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." -General James Mattis

USMC kalibrater

The licenses have always been for customer use only, Agilent finally has gotten around to enforcing the ULE.  Third party labs should not expect to get licenses for customer gear, Agilent knows who can and cannot self support.   I have recently seen Agilent getting very aggressive in protecting their proprietary hardware and software.
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." -General James Mattis


I have just found out from the horse's mouth that the individual TME licenses are no longer available to the third party world. I guess Agilent felt that the $$ from the licenses did not equate to the lost cal revenue.